Peak District tomorrow?

My stuff from Europe hasn’t arrived so it looks like l have no work tomorrow. That gives me a rare chance for a wee ride. I will most likely wind up in Derbyshire, so l expect l’ll be having a brekkie at the Yondermann or Cobbles if anyone fancies a meetup and a bit of a bimble. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m away in the sun but rather be riding :wink: shame as I might have said yes

Plenty of factor 50 Eric :sunglasses:, maybe next time :slightly_smiling_face:

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I may be around tomorrow. I’ll check with 'er indoors, in case I’ve forgotten anything we were going to do, and let you know.

Yes if I was not away I would have been up for a ride. My earliest opportunity is the weekend :rage:

I’ve managed to get a ferry ticket for the IOM so i’ll be getting ready for a Friday departure, sorry Alan.

Sound mate, weather looks decent, have a good trip :slightly_smiling_face:

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What sort of time are you thinking of? Ish?

I like to have my snap ordered by 9.30-10.00, but l can be flexible if needs be :slightly_smiling_face:

BTW my stuff arrived from ltaly today, but the die is cast…they kindly delivered before invoicing me the VAT, duty and admin charge :smirk:

Ah, sorry but a bit too early for me as I’m in Northamptonshire. Definitely something for the future though!

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Next time l do the Leics TT might be one for you, bit of a loop around Market Harborough :slightly_smiling_face:

A bit too early for me too. I don’t like blasting up motorways, so it’s a bit over 2 hours for me to get to The Yondermann. And I’d want time to get a couple of coffees through me to wake up properly before getting on the bike.

Its a Melton date! Oo-er!

No sweat chaps, I tend to start early to beat the speed traps and it usually gives me a bit of the afternoon to do a bit of paperwork. :slightly_smiling_face:

Fiddle the tax man by the sounds of it!
When on the TT, let us know :grinning: