Karelia’s Coat of Arms.
There is Karelia (in Finnish = Karjala) beer.
I must try that hen I’m there!
Try this one too … I do not drink beers, but this is my father’s favorite of Finland’s beers. The blue one, there are other colors too.
This is brilliant info’……
Looks like there may be a few visitors heading that way….
Rough draft, I got my routes in up until Helsinki. Finland routes are pretty much set, Sweden could change still. From Helsinki I’ll travel through Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, from where I’ll take a ferry to Kiel, Germany.
If you name those places from 3 (Tornio) to 12 (Helsinki) I might able to give you some tips.
Right, here goes:
3: Tormio
4: Rovaniemi
5: Kuusamo
6: Hossa
7: Kuhmo
8,9; Koli
10: Joensuu
11: Savonlinna
By the way, you’ve been really helpful already, thanks so much!
Well … if you mix Swede (ethnically) and Finn (culturally) … you’ll get me (my personality) … ‘‘the worst’’ kind of human being :).
Your ideas (3 to 11) generally speaking sound fine … but between 11 and 12 … first from Savonlinna to Mikkeli (which I assume is your target?) … ride from Savonlinna to Sulkava and continue to Puumala and then to Mikkeli. Not directly from Savonlinna to Mikkeli (via Juva or Rantasalmi). Plus needs to say that the main road from Mikkeli to Helsinki via Lahti … is fast option, but boring.
I just had a look and see what you mean about Sulkava and Puumala - that looks like a great road, thanks! I’m not that worried about Mikkeli to Helsinki, as that will be a “travel day”, covering some miles.
Can’t be that bad, surely?
And as you ride from Joensuu to Savonlinna … go via southern route. Do not turn to Savolinna already in Kitee, but ride south to Kesälahti and go Savonlinna via Punkaharju … check beforehand Punkaharju’s historic road (on the ridge) and ride that.
If you have time, visit Puumala village (will do you some 7- 10 km extras/direction).
Mikkeli - Helsinki? Right; and that makes sense.
And if you like fishing: Kuusamo - Koli area has the best rivers in the country (outside Lapland). Check the necessary fishing permits.
In Punkaharju: 4792 is the historical road, which I meant. Mark it for your trip :). Road no. 14 is the new. Sorry; I’m not familiar with road 479. If it’s paved, it’s probably a nicer/better option than main road 14 (which I’ve rode on when arriving at Punkaharju).
Yes. In real it looks like this:
Wow. That’s gorgeous!
I hope the weather will be fine.