I would have thought that if you’re raising money, that’s the most important thing so if you don’t exactly resemble James Herriot on a Dunult you should be forgiven.
I like the idea and I’ve been on one but the organisation was crap both by the hipster element and the Police “escort” which spoilt the day.
I have done a couple and really enjoyed them. Dress code or type of bike didn’t matter on the day. The Chester ride was hosted by Bill Smiths in the past (my local dealer), but the last couple of years run by another outfit which I heard were a bit of a disaster. Not sure if it is running this year?
From what people are saying it seems picking a well organised run is the most important thing.
I’ve just had a look at the page on the Triumph web site about the DGR. Has anyone ever used created or joined a team under the Triumph banner?
I haven’t personally.
I done one and it wasn’t for me. Its wasn’t the best organised wich didn’t help but we only rode a handfull of miles in town and what seemed like lots of hours standing about nowhere interesting. Good cause though.
Route was changed 3 times before the day, then once on the day, coppers didn’t get the script and wouldn’t listen to the “organisers” on the day, utter balls up.
I think you will find that the MK branch of TOMCC organised one last year that departed from and returned to Triumph HQ,Hinkley.
I’m afraid the event isn’t my cup of tea, I’m not attracted by mass ride outs.
I know some of you aren’t interested in DGR and I get why. I am not usually in to group rides myself but this one feels a bit different, perhaps because it’s just a slow cruise.
I have now registered for Winchester, England, which is separate from the Solent ride that I will be giving a wide berth this year.
I’ve done one and that was it. Turned up perfectly kitted out only to be snubbed by a bunch of hipsters on (not particularly classic) bobbers for riding a Speed Triple. If riding the “proper” bike is more worthy than the cause, fuck 'm.
Fair enough @Vulpes I would feel the same
Winchester DGR was cancelled so I have now signed up for Bournemouth-Poole
I know this is a “Triumph” forum but should I ride the Daytona T595 or my 1981 Yamaha RD350LC this year?
I’d ride the Yammie, just to P them off!
Tough choice. I’d take Elsie as I’ve never ridden one and it was the desirable bike when I was young and impressionable.
The Elsie does get a lot of attention
The standard lines are usually:
I had one of those back in the 80s and wish I had kept it!
I always wanted one of those, followed by “but my Wife wouldn’t let me”
How much would one of those cost now?
I definitely have been in that third category a few times.
I’m doing London again, having ridden the 2019 last time around. I went mad with the fundraising the first time, somehow managing to come third in London and 10th in England (yes, won a nice helmet for that one). This time around I’m just hoping to raise a few hundred quid and simply enjoy the experience without the pressure I piled on myself.
I bumped in to an acquaintance yesterday who has a Bonneville and highly recommended the Manchester DGR. I wasn’t planning to do it but I’m thinking again now. A 15 year old Street Triple is a classic, right?
Thinking about getting to DGR and not the ride itself, I have a 50 mile ride to the start if I avoid Motorways and I don’t want to ride that distance in just a tweed jacket, just in case!
How do you folks balance the dapper look vs. adequate protection?