If I had to put one on the xmas list it would be the oval cylinders one:
Blimey thanks @DCS222 I’ve never been on a Christmas list before. What a nice thing to say. Thank you
Credit where it’s due, I’d take it over most, if not all, of the above illustrated objet de désir… I’d probably sell them to buy other stuff… which isn’t why Santa empties his sack into my stocking.
I’ve ridden the non-scrambley version. It’s a nice bike. Actually, I seem to remember writing it up on here.
One of these would fit very nicely in the collection, thank you very much. I wouldn’t particularly need to ride it - actually, at my age I probably wouldn’t be able to ride it! I’d just sit and stare at it; spin it up every few weeks to hear those carbon cans growl … maybe take it for a short spin on the one or two days of the year that the roads around here are dry and free from mud, then wash, polish and detail it for an early morning photo shoot in the long shadows of a summer dawn!
I think I’ve been a good boy - but probably not THAT good!
Yep, those two are about in line with my “pulling power” I reckon. Tell the one in the green coat she’s scored while I go and get a spare skidlid …