Thanks for sharing
Nice one @Wessa how’d the grandson enjoy it?
Brilliant trip and write up @Wessa
Would love to do something similar with my grandson but will be while yet, he’s only 4!
Wee enough to fit in a top box?
Yep he had a great time. He cannot wait to get his licence and start his riding experience.
Thanks all for taking the time to read about our trip and nice comments. Until the next time
Thank you for posting it, Steve.
What a great write up…! Many thanks.
We went to all the places you’ve mentioned a few years back with my now departed parents . Loved it . I was struck by how lovely the villages now are. I guess most have had to be rebuilt following the war and so are fairly new buildings.
A trip/tour your grandson will never forget …!
There’s something to be said for having the shit bombed out of a place, Dresden is lovely, Swansea…not so much.
That looks like a brilliant trip; what a great thing to do with your grandson, I used to go everywhere with my Grandpa too (not on a bike!) and it has brought back lovely memories of the relationship we had.
Being a Grandad is the bestest job in the world
Mine certainly thought so. I was his favourite!
Told you the A34 was shite!
That’s what i told all my kids and now grand kids
Absolutely brilliant writer up and pictures to boot. Doesn’t having great weather make all the difference to our trips. Thanks for taking the time to let us all enjoy your trip too.
Not all bad this global warming malarkey is it