Evening…so, I am back doing a relatively short urban, traffic heavy commute and am getting, perhaps…if i chanced it 170m per tank?
It is certainly not economical riding; I am quite spirited
Just wondered how that fares compared to others/expected?
Evening…so, I am back doing a relatively short urban, traffic heavy commute and am getting, perhaps…if i chanced it 170m per tank?
It is certainly not economical riding; I am quite spirited
Just wondered how that fares compared to others/expected?
With my Sprint 1050 ST, short local riding (mountain area, city) I can’t do better that 140 miles per tank.
On road and motorway even speeding over legality, I can do 190 m/tank.
count on an average 17/18l refill, I don’t wait too much before refilling.
So your mileage looks pretty logical to me.
Agreed, l did once get well over 200 miles in rural France when l couldn’t find a filling station, but average refill point was 170. Does the Tiger have that shit fuel gauge that doesn’t register full until about 10 miles after you leave the garage?
Yes, that’s the one!!
Did some calcs…and mileage brim to brim. Urban/traffic heavy commute and getting 43mpg.
Doesn’t seem so bad I guess…