Airoh Commander 2 helmet

Has anyone experiences of this helmet?

For being adventure type of helmet this is quite light. Not as light Klim Krios Pro but also costs just half of the price. Other than that, this might be better.

The color would fit well with my matt green Tiger.

I have looked at them but wasn’t so impressed with the finish and fit (for me), I am looking at the HJC RPHA 60 which is out in the UK in a week or so.

Ok, I will check Klim Krios Pro first (22.06 approved version). It is expensive, but there are some discounts.

Please don’t let that put you off, it may be exactly right for you it just wasn’t for me :wink:

Well, there is still plenty of time until the next riding season. The land is completely white, the lakes are covered in thick ice and it’s -5C to -10C outside. It would just be practical to get/own another helmet. Our summer place has, e.g. still my old 125cm bike. I have an AGV Sportmodular. I like it (it’s very light for a modular helmet). Another could be a full face helmet (just to test it). Along with these two Adventure type helmets (this thread) a 3rd option could be a more typical AGV K6S. One benefit of this would be that I could use my existing AGV (Sena) ARK communication system. Just to buy another plastic base adapter for the new helmet and short wires + speakers for it. They are sold separately.

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