Interesting…. When did you get your tickets. Was it before Brexit…?
I’m not sure that the two authorities are on speaking terms since we left…!
We use Waze at all times but it seems some new cameras are not getting picked up
It’s my understanding that post Brexit the UK no longer provides EU countries with vehicle ownership info (but i could be mistaken), so wouldn’t know where to send the fine. And more importantly no penalty points.
So as already said be more careful of police on the roads rather than static cameras.
BUT be VERY careful when in Switzerland! No mercy from their police, large fines and many tales of motorcycle confiscations. Last year I called in to a Swiss BMW dealership (a minor running repair), they had possession of a UK registered bike complete with its V5, I wonder why?
Yes the Swiss police take no prisoners, cars and bikes are fair game to them☹️
Was riding through Switzerland today in the rain. Unfortunately at top of Passo San Bernando I turned bike off whilst trying to get drowned satnav working and when I came to start it again nothing, possibly starter motor problem.
Anyway, after taking refuge in the restaurant for a few hours recovery vehicle came up to get me and to take me and bike to a random Swiss town. Now in hotel trying to turn brain off but thought I let you guys know in case not hearing from me got anyone worried. Am in touch with Hubaxe and Vulpes who I was planning on meeting up with.
So you guys don’t feel cheated of pictures, the first half of day was quite enjoyable, the rain and greenness reminded me if riding in Wales except someone had increased the magnification factor to three.
Beautiful scenery…
Sorry to hear about the starting problem. Sounds as if it could be rain-related. Maybe water in starter switch, ignition switch or sidestand switch? Worth trying WD40?
Bike is with recovery people and being taken to a random garage tomorrow, so out of my hands now. I could hear starter solenoid click and TuneECU showed battery voltage go from 12 and a bit volts to 11. So something drawing a fair bit of juice. Recovery guy tried clipping on jump start battery to my battery with no change i affairs. Tune ECU showed no faults.
I would have tried more diagnostics myself except this was in pouring rain and I had wet feet and crotch. So wasn’t about to expose innards of bike to more water whilst I fished around with multimeter. (Since my starter switch problem I’ve added a 2nd toolkit for electrical prolem fixing.)
As Mrs Mouse keeps saying, ‘You’ve had nothing but trouble with that bike.’
They never tire of telling you what you already know. Still, it gives you a splendid justification for buying a new bike.
And I’d probably just buy a low mileage version of this one. I keep making the excuse that the only reason it keeps failing is because I’m wearing it out.
Had quite a few people come to talk to me this trip because of the look of the bike and they’re surprised when I save I’ve done more than 100,000km. (Bet the ubiquitous GS riders don’t get random people admiring their bike )
Oh no. That’s a real shame. Fingers crossed it can be sorted today. Weather better today down in Italy, so I hope that the sun reaches you and your bike is soon fit again.
Yeah, hope it’s fettled for you quickly , we’ve more adventures to enjoy with you
Seems that the word “Odyssey” starts to carry all it’s meaning.
You shouldn’t be thinking in terms of a worn out bike at that distance, especially a premium brand. I’ve been toying with a distance tourer again, but l’d probably go back to the big K, to be honest.
More importantly, very best of luck getting it fixed.
Bad luck @BrownMouse . Nothing worse that a mechanical fault when you are away from home turf. I hope it fixed quickly.,
How’s it going?
I’m on train to get to @Hubaxe’s place to meet up with him and @Vulpes this evening. Hopefully they’re out having a nice dry ride which I should have been joining them on.
Because I don’t speak the lingo I enlisted help from Hubaxe in finding out what is happening and it seems my bike will be taken to a Triumph dealer’s today. I’ll then have to talk to dealers about getting it fixed. With delays and language problems I can’t see this getting sorted in time for me to ride home. As a plan Z I got quote for shipping bike home, £900. Will stil need to work out how to pay dealers for any work if they can’t take card payments over phone. These problems are for tomorrow and the days after, today I want to meet some friendly faces.
You’re taking the word ‘adventure’ a bit too far now. It does show how useful it is to have friends (and forums) in distant places.
Keep us posted and shout if there’s any help I can offer.
Right now the help I need is a washing machine for clothes and shower for me. I probably ought to buy some sandles or something as I been walking around in wet bike books for two days and I daren’t take them off in public.
Lugging my bike gear and a large tail bag around Switzerland doesn’t half work up a sweat! Just had to run to make train connection as first train was running late.
It might pay you to download Google Translate to your phone. Really good and can give both written and aural responses.