Back to R3

Sold Tiger and gone back to R3. The Tiger was depreciating fast ( lost £9000.00 in 2 years) Silver lining - back to a R3GT could not be more excited.


Wishing you loads of happiness on the new wheels!!!


Enjoy your new Rocket.

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Congratulations on the new bike, that depreciation on the tiger seems excessive @stollydriver ?

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Happy new bike day!!
Lost £7k on my Multistrada back in 2015 when I traded back to Triumph, still stings.
Kept the Multi 2yrs, still loving my Speed Triple 9yrs on. Says it all.


Its because they changed the t plane crank on 2024 and that aswell as the £2000.00 customise offer its really affected the price. I tried everywhere and got same reply, some dealers wont even take in.


Does make you wonder if changing your bike on regular basis is the best option, especially for your bank balance. :frowning_face:

Was it a Tiger 1200?

All (well, vast majority) of new vehicles do the majority of their depreciating in the first two years and then significantly tail off.

Even so £9k sounds excessive!