As these events are no longer done on TTF maybe we should have a Triumph Motorcycle Forum social meet up central to most members? Put a face to a name? What about April? A BnB somewhere and several ride outs in the designated district of various lengths?
It just needs someone to organise it. Well voluteered.
If anyone wants to do anything in Wales ever this place is superb and accepts groups. Gives free lifts to the friendly local pub too…
I have stayed there three times on my own last year. It’s great.
Pembrokeshire? Possibility as I’ve not ever been at that neck of the woods although a decent bed is preferably
Not necessarily for your idea as more central I think as you said would be preferable - just more putting it out there should a group want to do some Welsh riding. I also appreciate that camping isn’t everyone’s thing!!
I’d attend a meetup, though sorry to say wouldn’t volunteer to help organise/plan.
Put it on the map!
Let’s see who want to be part of the mix and where they are based
You could set up a poll.
I’d be up for a new “GMU” (Grand Meet Up) style annual get together. I’m up in North Yorkshire but not too bothered where.
I’m in mid Cheshire and would be happy to join a session. Like Steve L not really bothered where.
I’m also in and don’t mind where.
I am in if I am free, but work most weekends!
We don’t need a massive amount as a good handful is adequate and easy to deal with.
Tbh I really miss the gmu’s from the old days, we had such a wide range of personalities, stimulating banter, quality ride outs and even the best of home cooking for the group by two of the most helpful cooks @3speedlowslowgo & the late Andypandy. People came from far and wide inc one from France in just his trackie bottoms with the largest droopy underpants and an open face piss pot helmet!!
I wonder if thebiglad is still lurking in the shadows?

Me and SWMBO just dropped in for the day on that first GMU so managed to dodge the bunkhouse experience. It was a good day out, even managed to lose SWMBO for an hour or so when the 2nd (wo)man drop-off went wrong.

That’s me second on the left, yes the wrong drop off was caused by a lovely Mr Lovatt!! I remember it reasonably well as me and Andypandy were with him and had a secret ice cream break
Didn’t recognise you for a minute. Are you standing on a box?
Must be sharing it with @Littleade
Me and SWMBO late to the assembly and photo bombing at the front.
Thebiglad all the way from France is far right I believe.
Some familiar (Dougie, Wayne, yourself&mrs.) faces there! I see your S3 was still adorned with “Dame Edna’s” then! (there’s also a pot-stirrer in the photo whom I shan’t mention…)