Bike Cleaning

After a few rides out the sporting tractor was fully splattered with dead flies and flying, but now deceased insects and other road crap. I have a smoked Puig touring screen on it because the OE BMW one is shoite so avoiding scratching it is a high priority to me.

So it was out with the jetwash (with an auto nozzel which gives a finer softer spray)

These are a few of the things I do which might help others keep their bikes looking their best.

I never wash my bike unless it’s fully cold, usually the day after the last ride and never wash it in direct sunlight. This prevents the bike drying out during cleaning and creating water marks.

First off I spray the front of the bike with Power maxed TFR and put a large Kent drying towel over the screen and front of the bike to soak the tfr up and stop it drying out and give the towel a further spray until it’s nice and wet. While I’m getting my other stuff out and filling my wash and rinse buckets up the TFR goes to work. After around 10-15 minutes I remove the towel and then give the bike a spray over with the TFR from a pump garden sprayer. After a few minutes and before it has chance to dry I then jet wash that off which removes the vast majority of the crud without touching the bike. Next with the 2 bucket method and a sheepskin pad I wash the paintwork on the bike top to bottom, back to front. For the wheels suspension and engine etc I then use a microfibre mit and a long detailing brush to get into the nooks and crannies, again using the 2 bucket method to avoid transferring crud back onto the bike and causing swirls. I swap from the sheepskin pad to the mf mit to keep the pad clean as the rest of the bike is generally dirtier than the paintwork and the mf mits are cheaper and easier to clean if they get dirty. A jetwash off follows (always avoiding direct jetting of the electrical bits and bearings etc).
Next up I use my pet dryer and dry the bike off with that. Screen and centre of the bike top to bottom 1st then front and back. I blow across swithes to suck the water out not blow into them.

The bike is now fully dry and has hardly been touched. Next up I use a detailing spray. I use a combo of 90% P&S Beadmaker to 10% P&S Dream maker as you can put it on paint, plastics and the screen. I use a clean Costco Kirkland microfibre cloth folded in 4 to spread then flip and remove it. It’s very good and has some ceramic in it and the bike feels lovely and smooth after. I’ve found doing this after each wash really helps during the next clean as the crud comes off a lot easier. Lastly I use a metal polish to do the chrome.

Here’s a list of some of the stuff I use

How do you clean yours?


Are you retired?

As I recall, @BrownMouse involves clay somehow? :thinking: I take back the teasing BM :wink:

I’m somewhat more minimalist Ade… I am impressed by your dedication though


How did you guess🤣 claying is usually done prior to machine polishing to remove contaminants from the paintwork


Wet rinse with hose, a bucket of soapy water and a sponge then final rinse. Chamois block dry. Simplistic I know, but never had any problems - when I traded in my 7 year old bike recently, it was compared to “as new”.

Polishing is similarly simple - when clean and dry, a coat of Turtlewax Ice (or the newer equivalent) which can be used on paint, glass, plastics and screen with no white residue. Easy. Maybe a bit of Solvol Autosol on shiny bits… occasionally!


Mine get cleaned twice a year whether they need it or not and involves water, a mitt and a dryer :rofl: :sunglasses:


Are we still talking bikes… :thinking:


Mrs V would be the best person to answer that question🤣


Indeed, I find Derbyshire clay the best.


Bucket of soapy water. Bucket of clean water. Wash mitt for the shiny bits, sponge for the mechanical bits and a chamois leather. Some detailing spray to finish up the shiny bits (if necessary) and I find Autoglym Fast Glass a good all purpose cleaner for removing stubborn oily deposits on wheels etc.

Seems to work well enough :slightly_smiling_face:


Inspired by this topic, I washed and polished the bike today! :smile: