Bike meets under threat in Newcastle-Under-Lyme

Another law that gives power to control people with a promise that it’s not going to be used unfairly. So why not spend a litte more time drawing up the legislation to protect those rights?

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If motorcyclists are not the intended target why not specify within the legislation that it is applicable to vehicles with >3 wheels only?
Seems pretty straight forward to me and removes any ambiguity.

Sugar just realised its another one of those well thought out wishy washy council initiatives.
Problem solving triangle involves removing one of the following
Offender, location or victim.

In this case I hazard a guess the offender will simply move to a different location.

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But that would require politicians to use some common sense …

Car gatherings are nothing new and far less prevalent compared to the Max Power days.
I’m not defending drivers that blatantly flaunt the law just think there are other options at a councils disposal although when budgets are tight its very easy to introduce legislation and pass the book onto the Police.

Just sent my original view to BMF and asked them to forward my suggestion.

I don’t live in the affected area just want to help where I can