Cool as..10 characters

This just doesn’t happen here any more. Click the subtitles CC to get a translation if you need it.

The number of Old Triumphs participating in the Run event exceeded 200, making it the largest event of its kind in the world, and it has been submitted for a Guinness World Record.

A couple of stills from the film:


As a single manufacturer event, it’s very impressive


What a great vid - and a great guy. Enjoyed that a LOT. Thanks.

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Here’s the man himself at number 283

There were 283 Triumphs. Each owner and bike was photographed individually in front of Mount Fuji.


Just in case you missed it :slightly_smiling_face:

Very impressive when viewed IRL. You have to be there on a good day though - it’s often shrouded in clouds…

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Yep, saw it but - and I humbly apologise - been a bit pre-occupied and busy with BB, holiday and domestic duties!

Will respond in due course, Iron. :upside_down_face: