Five Seconds of Fame

When I was out in the Brecon Beacons on Sunday (minus @HelmutVisor as he had a stinking hangover :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) there was a photographer there. I have wanted a photograph of myself on the bike since I started riding so I was ridiculously pleased to see these - nothing special to you veterans I am sure, but it’s a milestone to me :partying_face:. You can’t even tell how cold I was :rofl:.


Don’t know what you mean Mrs V! There’s nothing in those pictures that say novice. Nice pics they are :+1:t2:


Looking cool Mrs V! Shame the photographer missed the stand up wheelie :upside_down_face:


It was too fast, would just have been a blur :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

I’m told there’s a camera up at Holme Moss this weekend should anyone want a pic of themselves on their bike.

Of course, we could always do that for ourselves some time. :slight_smile:

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You definitely bought the right leathers. They go well with the bike.

Congratulation @MrsVisor a lovely set of pictures and I agree your leathers look very cool.

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Good choice in helmet too, had our GT-Air’s for 9 years, just replaced them with GT-AirII’s. Also added the custom fit Sena intercoms.
Could buy a good bike for that cost back in the day!!


How did you know that you’d had your picture taken?

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As per the link @HelmutVisor provided - I may just have gone seeking a route that would take me past the photographer :blush:. I usually despise having my photograph taken but the bike seems to have changed that :wink:.

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I am really impressed with the helmet, I must admit. I care for it like a rare and precious thing with the amount it cost!!

Great pics but I do think that Bikerpics charge too much per photo IMHO :nerd_face:

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I was going to get one because it’s expensive but @HelmutVisor reckoned throw caution to the wind for my first ones ever :rofl:.