Henry cole gets his own thread!

Well, give us your henry rants and likes!


Well, Milly has likened him to a top box full of cement!!!


Millard and Sam Lovegrove carry him on all their exploits :smiley:


I do tend to agree, they are the main reason I watch.


I think heā€™s a superb ambassador for motorcycling.

Ive read all his books and watch everything he does.

I think he could bring out a very popular restoration series following the builds heā€™s done in every series of the motorbike show rather than just a few moments here and there.

Go Henryā€¦:+1:


I do find him annoying but more in a ā€œbless him, heā€™s harmlessā€ sort of way. :wink:

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Him and Clarkson are from the same mould, Very good at giving people what they want.

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Personally, listen right ( :wink:) , i do find him a bit irritating but as @geoffb said above, you canā€™t ignore the passion he gives and the projects he has.
Nice to also see sam and Allan.
Also, he does show museums and other gaffs that Iā€™d never even heard about.
Anyone who puts bikes on tv? :ok_hand:


Me too, man.

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I would say they are very different IMO

Itā€™s this look that is worn and frozen on every time he rides - even when the rest of him suggests heā€™s not having the very best time.

Coming upā€¦

I think they are both in it for the money, are genuinely interested, use others to popularize their shows, use their shows to live their dreams.

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I agree with that except using others for popularityā€¦ I would say Clarkson himself is the main draw to his programs.

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This is where I cant make up my mind, in both cases, I dont know whether I like em or not. (Doesnt matter really, It a little luxury).

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Still havenā€™t located this Isle of ManMan he raves on about man

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Heā€™s all weā€™ve got :scream: I do like the banter between the usual suspects and you canā€™t knock his enthusiasm. He does tend to pick some cheesy groups to meet on the show that you canā€™t help but think donā€™t do a lot for bikers image with the wider public who might be watching. I always record it so if thereā€™s anything I donā€™t like itā€™s just FF to the next bit. Better to have him on the box than not IMO. Jellybean is the real star.


I donā€™t particularly like ā€œhis styleā€ā€¦but agree harmless enough,.and thereā€™s.nothing else like it. That saidā€¦as with all these sorts of programsā€¦I simply can not stand the format.

In an hourā€™s TV thereā€™s about 36mins of actual ā€˜contentā€™ā€¦the rest is recap, coming next, garbage to camera before an itemā€¦and of course breaks. Canā€™t stand it.


I think the reason for this sort of format is to keep your attention. Iā€™m afraid in my case it has the opposite effect.


I will only watch the series on record Iā€™m afraid.
Usual advertising reasonsā€¦

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