IOM 2022 discussion

I’m old enough to remember the TT being part of the world championships, ie riders were compelled to race there, Ago had a great TT record but he called time on the TT and eventually the TT was removed from the world championships. Now everyone who races there races by choice.

To me this time trial, which is exactly what it is, (they’re racing the clock effectively,) is the pinnacle of motorcycle racing alongside irish road racing, it’s exciting and compelling maybe due to the potential jeopardy. I raced at a very low level and freely admit i didn’t have the talent though that didn’t spoil my enjoyment and the thought of crashing never crossed my mind (even the next meeting after i crashed).

Mike Hailwood raced the TT and drove formula 1 but died in a car crash when he took his daughter out for Chips. We’re all going to die one day, why not doing something you love? I just cringe at the thought of people who are not directly involved wanting to ban things, if you don’t like the TT don’t watch it-simple. And if you’re at all “risk averse” maybe motorcycles aren’t for you.


Hit the wrong emoji there Pat, meant to be the applause one!

Steady mate, i nearly wept… :joy:

Yep, got to agree with all of this. I doubt though that many (if any) bikers would want to see road racing banned, but as a group, we are by definition not very “risk averse”.

I’m all for personal choice when it comes to risk, if you’re not comfortable doing something then don’t do it! But don’t try and ban others from doing something they love if the only person they’re putting in harms way is themselves.

Frankly I’d rather check out quickly and unexpectedly than succumb to something long and drawn out, or simply fade away in a ‘Home’ not even able to take a piss without assistance.

Right, where’s my bike keys……


It cost me £30 and an endorsement and aiding and abetting


Worth every penny