Chaps / Ladies.
I am thinking of dropping out of the forum. And going back to the old one. Here i can’t even use the market place so it defeats the object of being here. Other than talking to great people.
You can use both… That’s no Problem dude
I do empathise as I didn’t get on with it at first …but, like most things, patience, repetition and patience and repetition is key!
The more ive used it, the more I’ve got out of it.
Lots of folk use both forums and dip in and out as they wish of the various sections .
Agreed with all previous post Joe. I’m on both switching between the two when I want to.
If you’re having any problems using the forum just shout and I’ll help.
I get where Joe is coming from:
If I click on the Categories list’s Marketplace, the Marketplace page comes up. The blue circle at the bottom right of the page is faded out. When hovering over it, it says I can’t start a new topic.
It hasn’t really bothered me that I can’t start topics in most of the categories 'cause I’m not that diverse on subjects I can talk about but if @Joe is trying to sell something and isn’t allowed. Well then…
I had the same issue but it turned out I had to select a sub category to be able to create a new topic
I’m happy here, haven’t been on the other place for several months. This is more lively and no spam. (Apart from my ramblings)
Ah, ok…thanks for that @Andyc1 . I can be more diverse now
I do most my browsing on the phone and the other forum sends it in to a hissy fit for some reason (no other site does), so I can’t be arsed and avoid it mostly, occasionally have a look if I’m on the pc.
I too struggled with starting a thread until I sussed the sub category thing.
Edit: and not so intuitive to navigate on android phone if trying to start a new topic.
I followed the note from Andyc1 and today it works so i am a happy bunny. Thanks all for the help.
A few people over the last year have asked me why they can’t post in some categories. First off, it’s nothing anyone is doing wrong and, other than what comes with a person’s trust level, there’s no restriction on any individual members. The site is working correctly as it’s set up.
To try and keep things organised, some sub-categories are grouped under a read-only category, like the Marketplace. Others are grouped but you can post in the main category, like The Workshop. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and frustration. It’s not just you, @Joe.
I’ll do some work on the weekend to try and make it clearer when you’re looking at a particular category why you can’t post in it and what to do. In the slightly longer term I plan to look across the whole site, now that it’s been running for a while, to see where sections can be consolidated and how to make the structure more obvious and easier to navigate, especially for new people
Finally, it’s worth having a look at the Guides & FAQs category occasionally for anything that answers a question you may have after using the forum for a while. If you think something should be added to that help library, let me know.
I seem to have sorted it with a little help from the patrons. But we all go on here and from time to time we need help and it is frustrating enough searching for parts just to be blocked when trying to ask the people who may know or be able to help.
I’ve updated the description on the Marketplace. Hopefully that will help others as well.
@Joe Just to let you know, I’m still contemplating how to make this easier. I have an idea that would make the category navigation more consistent and visually clearer but I need to do some work on it on the test site before going live here. I also want to make it so people can still have the forum look like it does now by choosing an option in theiir profile settings.Not everyone likes change.
Its quite good now. I used market place again today and no problems. I do think a lot of it was me blundering without looking properly.
What you did was highlight a bit of poor ‘UX design’, Joe. The forum should be easy to navigate, intuitive and as frustration-free as possible. Where it isn’t, there’s room for improvement. I’m always happy to get the feedback.
Mate you are doing a sterling job. Proud of you and all your help and caring nature.