Lampie is here

Who is Lampie ?
I’m a 61 year young guy, married, 2 grownup boys, a granddaughter 2 years young. And Ilive in the Netherlands.
Last week I bought a Tiger 850 sport 2021 with 10k on the odo.
Today I did the oilservice, refreshed the brake fluid, ajusted the brakepedal in hight…
I’m almost ready to make this my daily driver.
My previous bike, a Honda VFR800x Crossrunner has some damage, and the insurance guy comes tomorrow… let’s talk money please…


The Akra sounds great, and I’m surprised what this engine does with only 86hp
Love it already, I’m waiting for a Givi topcase, and some decend Michelin road 6 tires.


Nice bike :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to the forum.

Hi and welcome. You’ve found a good place here!

Welcome in @Lampie

Welcome to the forum!

Welcome in from Yorkshire

It’s good here.
Welcome aboard and Tot Ziens…!

Welcome, Lampie. Nice bike.

Hi and welcome! Lovely bike :slightly_smiling_face:.

Ayup Lampie,
Hope your young bones don’t ache too much after bending the Honda? Nice Trumpet though! Welcome to the forum

Welcome, bienvenue

Hi and welcome….

Hi and welcome to the forum :sunglasses:

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