I just picked up a 2008 Bonneville 790. But it is to loud someone has fitted a two into one exhaust and boy it makes some noise. Would like to revert back to a twin exhaust or something quieter. If someone is selling one or know of one please give me a shout with the price.
Well now fitting the Norman Hyde Toga’s and what helpful people they are. They must be sick of me on the phone. But they put up with me and are so helpful.
Well just popping this on here as it won’t let me use market place which is pretty useless to me and makes me think why When it is one of the reasons i joined other than all you fantastic patrons. But What i wanted to add was i have now a Tec two into one exhaust system for the 2008 Bonneville if some one wants to make me a small offer for it. I believe there is a baffle for but without it i found it very offensive and of course i knew there was a baffle.
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