Marketplace Changes

When you create a new topic in the For Sale section your post will contain posting guidelines to help make a more consistent experience for viewers. Follow the guidelines but you can remove all the help text before posting.

Adverts will now close automatically after 3 months. If you’ve advertised an item and it’s been sold, let people know by adding a post and the topic will be closed soon after.

If you want to re-advertise an item after the original advert has closed, create a new post and include a link to the old one (if you want to).

Remember, the Marketplace is just for buying, selling and swapping bike stuff. Questions and answers relating to the sale/purchase the item only, please. Chats about why someone is selling up or what they might buy next, for example, should go elsewhere (e.g. the relevant Triumph model category). You can always include a link to the original advert.