MCN's Scrambler 400 X review

MCN review by Emma Franklin of the new Scrambler 400 X.


Here we go again (me), reading every review and watching every youtube video. Then getting totally confused by all the different opinions. This one appears to be a glowing review, but others mention vibration around 4000 then returning again around 6000. They also mention weaker brakes because of non sintered pads in this one compared to the speed, but maybe that’s different models for different markets. Then others mention it has to be ridden above 2,500 rpm for the power, no mention here at all. Plus that it feels like it pulls less hard than the speed, maybe weight, maybe gearing? I suppose a longish test ride might help…

We’ve said before that there aren’t any really bad bikes these days. Better quality is broadly proportional to higher budgets (and retail prices). The reviewers have to pick up on relatively small things and they can seem exagerrated in the article. If we just went on reviews then everyone would ride a GS. :slight_smile:

Get a test ride. Your opinion is the only one that counts.


Damn, no point now. I’ve downloaded the owners manual and the payload is too little for my intended use.