New Speed Triple RS In, RR Out

So, to the surprise of almost no one, Triumph are dropping the Speed Triple RR (awww) and bringing out a new, improved Speed Triple RS (yay!)

I’m not wild about the choice of colours over the standard black and that slabby exhaust is a bit naff. The optional Akropovic (no price yet but, you know) is a bit better. Either or both will bump up the price beyond the base £17,485. Fruity.

Still, 180BHP, 94lb ft of old-fashioned torques and some clever Ohlins suspension giving a supposedly better ride means I really must get a back-to-back test with a Street Triple to finally put that decision to bed this year.


Mr Akrapovic is going to be busy…!
That original Triumph silencer…. :nauseated_face:
Other than that a good upgrade. But do you really need 180 bhp on a naked bike?

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Only for bragging rights.

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I’m a big fan of semi-active suspension (on our potholed roads) so that’s a plus. Agree the standard silencer is horrid, most manufacturers are hiding most of the required bulk underneath the engine now :man_shrugging:
And the pillion seat appears to be getting ever smaller so they might as well ditch the pillion pegs too. Otherwise seems a fairly minor makeover.
I wonder if they’ve made the same error I had on the old 955 SprintST, a nice SS swingarm for easy wheel removal… except the silencer has to be removed to get it off the stub axle. :laughing:

But (I’ll say it yet again), they should be making a Tiger Sport version of this if they want to sell more.

Anyway of only academic interest to me, my nearest dealer is now 100 miles/2hrs away so a new Triumph is a non-starter (due to the inevitable warranty/service requirements). Unless they replace the recently failed Plymouth dealer, and even that was a stretch. :thinking: