New Tiger 1200 GT Explorer

I had a chat with the dealer, and in all probability this is going to be the new bike.
The Snowdonia White is not available until at least autumn, so I opted for Carnival Red, which looks gorgeous. Hopefully insurers will be quick about it, so I can have it in the garage in about 6-8 weeks time.


Good to see you already thinking about the new one!


Yep, can’t wait! As I’m not allowed to operate a motor vehicle at the moment (up to the rims in opiates :rofl:) he’s coming to pick me up sometime next week so we can discuss things in person at the shop.

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That looks superb, and the 2024 has some worthwhile updates over your previous one :+1:

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Not wasting any time then. :joy:
Top man. :clap:

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You know what they say - every cloud has a Carnival Red lining. :smile:


Indeed - revised flywheel and crankshaft to reduce vibrations and more torque in low revs, improved clutch, improved seat, greater lean clearing to name a few…

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Opiates you say? Then it’s the right time to start paying guitar :sweat_smile: That combo was really successful in the 70s


I know the dealer is trying to sell you something but that’s very good of him to come and pick you up. I would imagine a UK dealer would tell you to get the bus🙂


Yep, I was impressed with that - they’re very nice people, actually.

Great news …!
Check the delivery date …!
Can’t get one here yet and the red is on long lead times in the UK apparently…!

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Great looking bike Wim, I hope the insurance comes through quickly.

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Cheers Steve, and yes, fingers crossed insurance-wise. Apparently the cutting-out issue at low speeds is now resolved too, by adding some weight to the balance shaft. Makes sense, actually.


Nice looking bike, Wim, and any improvements from your original will, I’m sure, be welcome as some ‘payback in kind’ for the pain and suffering that you’ve been put through in all this.

Fingers crossed they can get you a bike ready and raring to go just as soon as you are!

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My thoughts exactly, Adie!

Don’t let @AdieP 's mrs hear about that! :joy:

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That looks amazing Wim, something to set your sights on. Get well soon.

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Absolutely Paul - I’m excited about it. Takes my mind off the hurting ribs, too!

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Nice bike that Wim. Veel plezier (when you get it of course)

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Any idea why Triumph will not offer the famous British Racing Green color anymore? I think I have seen some photos of older bikes on that color.

Green bit like this:

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