Nob of the week award……

Got the zzr out and decided to swap out the oil and filter…
Got the oil out, filter off and let it drain for a bit…
“what can I do while I’m waiting ?” I thought? I know, i’ll swap the battery out for a new lithium shido one (old one was 4 years old ish) so I did that.
Quick start up of the bike to test, yep! It works…
Almost blew up/seizured the engine as it had ZERO oil or filter on it as i’d not finished off that job first…
Luckily, it really was a 1 second start up but what a total knob.

EDIT: all ok. All sounds good at least.

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Eek, you and I know we are better than this. As I’m lacking a supervisor, I was thinking a bloody big whiteboard with steps and checks that must be followed. We can share it if you want? :rofl:

So…it’s now ducatitotriumphtokawasakitocockup. Feck me your user name will run to 2 pages before long…

I’ve got my Speed Triple on a bike lift in our garage, so as to be able to fit all bikes in. Getting the Tiger out this morning (lives in the middle, big beast that it is) I grazed the lever that’s holding Speedy up on it’s lift. Bike dropped, lever came up at 100 mph, nearly hitting me on the temple… :see_no_evil: some oaf (me) had forgotten to engage the locking mechanism… I got away lightly there!

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Can’t get the staff :joy:

Darwin at work :rofl: