Anyone @Octoberon fancy some lunch next week at the ‘oil can’ ? I havent been in yonks and fancy it and a natter.
Yeah, sounds like a good idea. I haven’t been for a while either. Thursday or Friday would be best as I’ll have finished work by then.
I could make Friday.
Fri 12:00? Fine by me
There was talk of the Oil Can moving? Please let us know…
They moved a few years ago to the new place. I haven’t heard anything recently. I’ll ask around.
It was before this Covid bollox when I was last there….
Erm btw I think my choice of transport will have a heater… so not on ‘two’
It’s forecasted to stay at or below freezing for the next week so twice the number of wheels and heaters definitely required.
Apologies. My “news” is 6 years out of date…
12:00 Fri then.
I will take view on the weather before confirming if I will travel. It is 1hr 30mins from me and if it is freezing conditions I will give it a miss. I will post on Friday morning
Hope you can make it, Steve.
Sadly a bit too far for me in this weather - over 2 hours avoiding motorways.
Would be up for a similar meet up next year when it’s a bit warmer
Is this Friday 16th or 23rd?
This Friday. 12pm.
@TheRevenant you coming Alan?
Work this week Eric, so no, sadly.
Sorry guys it is -6c here in Cheshire and over 1.5 hrs driving for me to get to the cafe, so sadly I will give today a miss. I hope you have a good catch up and look forward to seeing you all in warmer times.
Have a great Christmas and New Year.
Sorry I couldn’t make it either. Still feeling rubbish. I think it’s Covid (again) but not tested yet.
Hey you didn’t miss much other than medical talk and a cold seating