
Anyone here feel that the government is currently trying a little too hard to stamp their authority upon the general populace?

We havenā€™t seen such a sea change in politics for a while. Was it any different when Thatcher or Blair got in? Obviously Iā€™m barely old enough to remember that. cough

And his party?
Perhaps to be expected from an ex DPP?
(and son of a toolmaker :joy:)

Well, Iā€™m pleased to see them stamping on the racist rioters. And Iā€™m very pleased that they plan to repeal the anti-union laws introduced by Thatcher and made increasingly restrictive by subsequent Tory governments (and never repealed by Blair). So no complaints so far.
Iā€™m more concerned about their reluctance to tax wealthy energy companies to pay for restoring public services.


The tide comes inā€¦
The tide goes outā€¦

Less ā€˜Westminsterā€™ and more ā€˜Weston-super-Mareā€™. :grin:

(Link provided for our non-UK members who may be wondering if Weston-super-Mare is a place that sells prestige horses.)

Iā€™m not sure it answers my question though? :thinking:

Dave answered and is happy enough :+1: Iā€™m totally cool with that!

I donā€™t know if itā€™s the usual media frenzy fanning the flames (probably), or if my creeping sense of unease comes from the perception of a new government wanting to been seen as unflinchingly decisive and not to be fucked with BECAUSE itā€™s a new government?

I do know that it has set itself a standard of swift and significant action that it needs to continue to apply, and that it probably needs to start building more prisonsā€¦

I get the impression that Starmerā€™s personality and approach is to consider, decide and execute with less fannying about than weā€™ve seen in the last ten years or so. I donā€™t expect to agree with everything he thinks or does but I would like to see decisiveness and competance brought back over popularity contests. The rest is fair and intelligent debate material.


I agree that Starmer is a bit of a control freak and wants to be seen as decisive. What worries me is that his faction of the party lacks the will to change a lot of things that need changing more radically. Still, theyā€™ve got to be an improvement on the last lot.


Iā€™ve always found ANY government with such a large majority a worry, especially if lead by a dictator.

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My concern is that Starmer is a weak bully. Picking on the easy targets and ignoring the important ones. Caved in to the Doctors, caved in to the railways, caved in to Islam. And the crowning glory, stamping on pensioners. The man is a TU@D. And as for his deputy, she dribbled, slobbered and shagged her way into a position of authority way beyond her capability. Sooner they are gone, the better. Itā€™s like Fishy Nutsack rolled out the red carpet for them to continue Satanā€™s work.


You have great diction

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At least if pensioners are cold and canā€™t afford heating, they can put a post on Facebook to get themselves arrested and chucked in the clink to stay warm for a couple of monthsā€¦

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I lost my winter thingy too, but thatā€™s only the overture, I suspect. The Reeves pantomime act over the shock discovery of a 20 billion shortfall that everyone was discussing way before the election was cringeworthy. Lob in the recent pay settlements to Labourā€™s client state and my guess is sheā€™s over 30 billion light. Someone has to pay for that, so brace yourself, Sheila.Both she and Starmer could quite easily have been Tories, really. I would happily still vote Labour however, as the choices didnā€™t bear thinking about. Those of you who voted for Farageā€™s circus, the blame lies in no small part with you if you didnā€™t want Starmer.

In reply to the OP, again, a bit of theatre involved here, but these thugs need nailing hard. Torching and looting private property isnā€™t what youā€™d expect of a patriot demonstrating lawfully. My worry would be if the judiciary is being influenced by the executive. Thatā€™s not healthyā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:


Sheā€™d make a good Tory then I guess. They certainly never view lack of ability as an obstacle to success. What I see is someone who despite no favourable circumstances has achieved some standing in life. She has far more in common with me than pretty much any other politician I can think of. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Absolutely. There are far too many Old Etonians and PPE graduates at Westminster, and not nearly enough people with a background like hers.

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That would be a worry, but I donā€™t imagine there are many judges who wouldnā€™t be horrified by the riots and come down hard on the thugs anyway, without needing to be prompted by the governmment. Iā€™d just like to see some of the ā€˜respectableā€™ politicians who wound these idiots up in the first place get jail time as well.

I knew it wasnā€™t a place for Kryptonite-sensitive breeding gee-geesā€¦ :joy:


This is the thing, picking on the vulnerable is typical bully boy tactics, Not all of us had Whitehall, civil service, teaching, local authority jobs with final salary/index linked pensions funded by the taxpayer, the cash to keep paying them will always be found somehow. On a personal note, for clarity, I ended my working life at 66, when my state pension became due. I have a very small private pension producing Ā£2,800 gross, this is taxed. Also have a few very small business interests, which make another small income. I have no doubt that this will exceed the threshold for the WHA. Starmer and Reeves will not be judged kindly by history, indeed his popularity ratings have plummeted in recent days, which, I accept, is early in his tenure at No 10, but nevertheless, this man is a danger to the UK.

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In no way am I defending the Tories, they have no reason to feel anything but shame for their devilā€™s work of the last 14 years. Rayner spent her last few years in opposition demanding the resignation or sacking of ā€œTory Thcumā€ at every opportunity when there was a hint of wrong doing, but brazenly stuck it out during one of her own hint of wrong doing ie Capital Gains Tax on a second home. In spite of several witnesses who lived locally to her at the time, no action was taken, ā€œNothing to see hereā€. Itā€™s all been carefully prepared by the people who are really in charge to ensure the Left are immune from prosecution. (Iā€™ll put my tin foil hat on now)