Possible ECU or throttle solenoid problem

Why dont you give these guys a call and see if they can help

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I did try a local ECU test/repair company about a test and a fix, and they said because it’s a sealed unit there’s nothing they can do. Which is what I expected, how can you repair circuitry that’s potted?

They did offer to try and get into the ECU to transfer data out to program into a new one, but I wouldn’t trust that sort of thing.

The whole sealed, encrypted ECU situation the manufacturers are forcing on us is frustrating and not in the interest of owners who’ve paid good money for their bikes. :rage:

Consider throwing the Immobiliser away if its an issue to programme. Well done for the fast action and decision making. Unless it doesn’t need saying.

Makes you wonder where the Classic Bike scene is going.

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Real classic bikes don’t have ECUs of course. Bring back carburettors!

The immobiliser’s connection to the system is just via the CAN bus so I assume the ECU will talk to it to verify if it’s allowed to run. To change that would require modifying the ECU program, which I have no way of doing. TuneECU can change engine parameters and settings, but that’s not going to include 'ignore immobiliser, otherwise it’s trivial for thieves.

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So, the dealer ordered new ECU and said it should be in Friday. When I rang Friday they checked it’s status and said it was showing as picked but wasn’t on the 1st van of the day. Said it should be in Saturday or Monday and made it clear it was definitely a case of don’t call us we’ll call you.

They haven’t called so spent several hours this afternoon putting bike back together without an ECU in it, so bike ready to be transported to dealers tomorrow. Fortunately, now I’ve got ECU out and everything cleaned up, I reckon I can install new ECU without taking swingarm out again. So if the ECU was indeed delivered Saturday or turns up tomorrow then I can install it myself ready for them to program it Wednesday.


To access ECU without removing swingarm, I would need to remove the rear wheel and the plastic mudguard that sits between it and the centre of the bike. There is just enough room to wiggle in ECU past the swingarm structure.


The only reason I would risk this is because I’ve already seen how the connectors latch on, and I’ve cleaned everywhere thorough so shouldn’t be risking getting muck on connectors. I wouldn’t recommend this method to remove the ECU because the tab you need to press to release latch is on the inaccessible side of them.


To round this thread off, and in case it’s found in the future by someone with a similar problem…

Yes, it’s possible to fit the ECU without taking the swingarm out. It’s plastic mounting bar/shroud is a very tight squeeze however and you’ll need to wind the rear suspension preload right off or even get someone to sit on bike to move the swingarm out the way a little.

After replacing the ECU it reported a good 12.4V ‘Control Module Voltage’ via diagnostics. Then after the dealership had programmed the ECU for the bike everything worked fine and bike was fixed. :smiley: