Postcards from Europe, June 2024

Yeah! Idiot. I’ll be back in a sec, just off to have a quick look at my bike.

It’s a little comforting to me to know others are getting weather of a similar type.


These are the things you will laugh about ….in a few years time…!
Quite annoying now though.
Good to see your preparation has paid off. That was a tough few days. Enjoy a bit of rest . Everything for a reason…!


Oh and we all have one mate that does that sort of thing.
One of my mates would leave prepping his bike until the day before the off and would be running around like a lunatic trying to find a new battery or chain as the bike had lain idle for many months before the trip… He ran his business the same way but a fun guy so he gets away with it…! Always missing ferries and planes and we know that he will be late for everything so we tell him to meet us one hour before we are going to turn up. It all works out in the end and is what makes travel the adventure that makes memories…!


Got one of those, but he’s from Colombia - must be in his genes, so we let him off… :rofl:

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Good to hear the weather is improving. Enjoy your enforced break whilst your mate gets his tyre sorted. Drinks all round for his stupidity going away on a tyre not up to the trip. :frowning_face:


Today we left our bikeless friend at the digs and had a few hours riding around gorgeous scenery with twisty roads around Ornans in the environs of the Jura mountains.

I was leading which was great as I could take the corners at a more enjoyable swooping speed and occasionally slowing up on the straighter bits for him to catch up :grin: (On the straits it’s a bit the other way around as I pretty religiously stick to speed limits and he’s more for going at the speed the locals seem to.)

This was my first day leading and by the end of it I found I wasn’t having to conciously consider how to handle junctions on the ‘wrong’ side of the road. I’m really pleased about this as it means I’ll be confident about touring Europe on my own :grinning:

For tomorrow I’m really hoping my friends tyre turns up and is fitted in good time as we really need to start heading north to catch the return ferry. Another days delay is going to mean massive motorway blasts or trying to switch ferry to a later date. :frowning:


Someones not impressed by barbequed sausage but has found something else he likes…


Very picturesque @BrownMouse .

You will remember this one mate! Looks amazing in spite of the early bad weather. This will do wonders for your confidence to travel solo next time.


We spent most of today twiddling our thumbs waiting for a phone call to say mates bike was ready, this call came at 4pm. By 5 we were on the road riding in rush hour traffic around a large city, in sweltering heat and on congested dual carriageways. :⁠-⁠(

I needed fuel and there didn’t seem to be any on our route so we relied on satnav which took us to a village with a derelict garage, the next petrol station was also defunct and fortunately my fuel just lasted to the next big town.

After this we got onto nice rural roads and the passing dark clouds refrained from dumping their load on us as we ride into the sunset. Passing through a village about 8:30pm we spotted a restaurant and had pizza whilst searching for a place to stay. Nearest cheap place was a cabin on a campsite, better than messing around with tents and it has aircon too!

Our leader is now plotting a route of around 600km which we’ll need to do in two days to get us to the ferry. So looks like a not too stressful end to the holiday with some nice riding along the way.


Sounds like things are turning out ok now. Pity that the lack of preparation of the “leader” threw a spanner in the works. At least now you know that undertaking a solo trip is not going to pose any concern.


Pleased for you that things are settling down for you. Circa 190 miles a day to get you to the ferry is very comfortable and doable.
The experience you have gained on this trip will definitely set you up for any future ones :slightly_smiling_face:


Today was a lovely sunny day riding through French and Belgian countryside.

We started by picking up picnic supplies from a supermarket near our overnight digs and after an hour or so riding pulled over in a village near a river to eat breakfast.

This turned out to be birth place of Jeanne d’Arc so there were several statues of her and establishments using her name.

We continued through French countyside under blue skies all day with occasional stops and then when stopping for afternoon coffee we realised we were now in Belgium. We seem to have been following the river Meuse and an hour or two later stopped to google for a hotel and after checking into one around the corner headed of for refreshments.


Is that mouse of age? Seems lika a tall order for such a small person? :joy:


At the restaurant afterwards they did swimming pool sized versions! (Well 500ml, which is the size of a mouse swimming pool.)


It’s a very nice beer, Leffe. :yum:

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Another great report and pictures.

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Been keeping up with this post, so glad its all going well with the bike and yourself. Booking on the night seems a luxurious way to travel?

A room for 3 last night was 130 EUR the cabin on the campsite the night before 50.

It’s what I usually do when travelling solo. I keep going until I’m tired, then find digs.