Ride to St. Mary's Loch

Today was dry, bright and fairly warm with even some sunshine, so it would have been ungrateful not to go for a ride. It was a year or two since I had been on the A708 Moffat-Selkirk road, so I set off via Dumfries for Moffat, which is a cheerful, bustling touristy place at this time of year, and quite popular with bikers. The A708 leads off the bottom of the High Street, and soon leaves the town north eastwards and climbs up the side of the Moffat Water valley. To begin with, the valley landscape is relatively soft and well wooded.

As the road goes on, the valley becomes steeper sided and more barren, and after a few miles you reach the Grey Mare’s Tail, a spectacular 60m high waterfall tumbling down from Loch Skene, with a dangerous steep path beside it up to the top.

The road leaves Dumfries and Galloway and enters the Borders. It goes over a steep pass, rather like a smaller version of the Dalveen, and winds onwards until it reaches the Loch of the Lowes.

There’s a wooden hut cafe beside the loch, which usually has quite a few motorbikes parked outside in the summer months. Just separated from the Loch of the Lowes by a narrow strip of land is the longer St. Mary’s Loch, which is as far as I went today.

Sometimes I have turned left at St. Mary’s Loch and taken the single track road by Megget and Talla to Tweedsmuir, and back to Moffat by the A701, but today I had enjoyed my A708 run so much that I turned round and rode back along it. A great afternoon out.


Nice to some had a good day - here it was persistent rain all day… :rage:

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I’ve enjoyed that road a few times in the past :+1::grin::+1:


Great write-up. I stayed near St Mary’s Loch for 3 nights last year, so rode the A708 a few times on my travels :smiley:

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Thanks. As I’ve said before, when the scenery was handed out, the Highlands didn’t get it all!


Yes a beautiful part of the world. The St Mary’s Loch road is an awesome ride. I think the last time I rode it though it had speed restrictions all the way down it.

Yes, a great road. No sign of any special speed restrictions yeaterday, just the general blanket 60mph. With all the sheep and lambs feeding beside the unfenced road yesterday, and occasionally dashing across it, 50mph was generally fast enough.


Can you gives us a road condition report update please?

On the other forum, I wrote a ride report about a month or so ago, and the lower section had some horrendous potholes. I logged my thoughts with " repair my street" or something like that, and found I was not the only one complaining as it was downright dangerous in places.
The council were aware, apparently, and so were " monitoring" the issue whatever that actually means.

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I’m sorry, I don’t remember the road surface being either particularly good or particularly bad, so I suppose it must be about average for potholes.