But whilst we are here yakking… what apps do people use to retrospectively track/map their routes? Google and Apple map, I find a pain in the arse!
That will be a different topic.
On the Transalp, the Honda Roadsync app does it for you whether you are using it for navigation or not.
My phone is also probably tracking me… but pulling that information out may not be easy (I hope) Every time I plot it on Google maps, how I want it to be presented, the finally result is covered in alternative suggestions which I can’t seem to remove. Os maps are great for walking or cycling but again, tend to auto choose back roads, which I don’t always want… so drawing the route is exceptionally tedious, especially on my phone… Apple Maps is again crap retrospectively route creating!
I think when I’ve done then before, I’ve had to use the computer rather than a phone, so I guess I’ll end up doing that.
Yeah it seems unnecessarily complicated and I’ve never bothered with it for that reason. Only realised the Honda did it by accident!
Have a look at the Relive app. I have used it a couple of times.
Starting with the not much use to anybody without a beemer…
BMW bikes have big brother watching whether you want it or not as all UK bikes have the SOS system fitted. The plus side of this is you can also make use of their Connected Ride app, as long as you keep your phone Bluetooth’d to the bike you get full tracking, including max lean angles, g acceleration/braking etc etc.
For any bike riding with a Garmin satnav switched on will give you tracking, which can then be converted to a route, I’d imagine Tomtom will do the same.
But of more general use…
A few years back I discovered Backcountry Navigator XE, the app is available on Android, ios and web. I find it brilliant for walking, you can download maps so it’s not reliant on network coverage. But the best bit is among the many map formats available the default one is in vector format, this allows you to zoom right in without the usual pixelation, the detail available is incredible. You can switch on tracking and even select the gps sampling rate.
As said, I use it for walking, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on bike. I know you can import gpx files, haven’t checked what’s possible for export.
Just checked, gpx export is supported.
Saul is now hovering, I can feel this post moving as I type.
I have a free app on my phone called Geo Tracker which will record your journey and you export it as a gpx file for use in all sorts of mapping apps.
You can also import it into Google Earth and animate your route if you want. I did a thread on how to do that on here some time ago.
You can use the Beeline app without having the Beeline device for journey recording.
I… err… have… err… a Beeline. It’s in a state of unfitment yet, it will get fitted!
There wasn’t a point to the comment, just general info .
So if anyone wants to show where they’ve been… but they’re not on a Honda or Beemer or other intrusive tracking device like a phone… or you just want to create a precise route for a friend to follow… what’s best?
I’ll take a look at Relive
I use Relive to make a video from a route I have taken. I use a combination of MyRoute and Garmin Basecamp to make my routes.
Route tracking, not route planning. Have you been on the sherry again?
If I want to see where I have been, I can look at it again when I get home. Works a treat.
Paper map and a marker pen also works
The only technical problem I have ever had with a paper map was when I hit a big bump on the A75 and my top box lid flew open, letting a map make a bid for freedom until it got run over by a couple of cars before I could retrieve it. However, I smoothed it out and it works fine again.
Try that with an iphone