SHOEI Neotec 3

I purchased one today. I’ll do a review once I’ve ridden with it for a bit. I’ve never had a flip up helmet before, so I’m curious what it’ll be like.


My Arai is getting close to the end of its shelf life. I’ve never considered a flip-up helmet but maybe I should. Look forward to hearing your views (and anyone elses comparing to full-face helmets)

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One of the reasons I got a flip-up is that I got really hot in my full face helmet on my last trip. Apparently the shelf life of this helmet is at least 7 years, most likely 10 if well maintained. That was another consideration.


Interesting. Does it have some different materials that make it last longer.

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Apparently the shell is made of a long lasting glass fibre, which lasts longer than other materials. The sales chappie seemed to be very knowledgeable, and could answer any questions I had.


I’m on my second flip-front helmet, a Schuberth C3 Pro, and I also own a Shoei full face.

The full face is lighter and quieter but I’d never be without a flip-front as a main helmet now. They are so convenient when stopped or at filling stations.

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For anything other than the shortest of journeys I have moulded ear-plugs that are great at cutting out noise, so that probably wouldn’t be a major purchase concern for me. I don’t take off my helmet at service stations but it would be nice munch a Kit-Kat without farting around. :slight_smile:

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Compulsary here…

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I have two Shoei Neotec helmets. IMO the best flip front helmet on the market.


Snap @vulpes that is the same colour of my latest Shoei lol

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Best make sure we pick up the right lid in Ireland next month then… :rofl:

Agreed. Here are my two…

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I have had a Shoei Neotec II for a little over a year. I have always worn Shoei and once again I am very satisfied with the purchase. I have the SENA sound system in the helmet as well as the Brakefree helmet light. I find the noise level consistent with most that I have had. I do wear ear plugs and the SENA works very well with he noise level. The helmet flies quite well in the wind and does not buffet when riding .


The Shoei helmets don’t fit me as well but I do occasionally try them to see if anything’s changed.

And welcome to the forum!

Another one here for Shoei Neotec 2. Wouldn’t be with out as a main lid

How often (years) you normally will update your helmet?

Recommendations seem to be about 5 years or so. There’s a thread here related to that.

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About 5 years is recommended.

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So say the helmet makers. But in the immortal words of Mandy Rice-Davies…

Five years seems to be manufacturers recommendation, but if it’s in good condition, hasn’t been crashed or dropped, then I’m happy to wear a ten year old helmet - at my own risk of course :slightly_smiling_face: