Got these cans for i believe a 2019 900 Bonneville. OEM set. If interested make me an offer any offer. Either pick up or i can post not sure how much. They will clean up a lot better as they have stood in my garage for some time now
I have been told these are not 2018 but earlier possibly 2011 ish
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"Get those mucky exhausts off my clean kitchen worktop "
Have you bugged my kitchen. Because i swear i heard the exact same words from my Beloved.
I didn’t need to mate
Yes mate. Is our great ladies so predictable.
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@stevelovatt She is a great girl. What worries me is she is always one step ahead of me
Of course she is!
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Yes i am glad she is. She says this has to be the las bike. Just like she said when i bough the last one and the one before that