Speed Twin 1200RS?

I’d love to see it, especially following the demise of the Thruxton. However if they do go with the Trident instruments and ditch the traditional twin dials that would be a major disappointment and a mistake I think. It would be enough to rule it out for me.

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I’m with you, with everything TFT now (the best ones try to ape analogue dials) I’m growing increasingly nostalgic for “proper” clocks.



It’s just speculation at this point of course, but I do hope they don’t move away from this….

If they really feel that having all the connectivity is essential to the bikes appeal, then at least go with the Rocket 3 TFT which at least has a premium look/feel to it, rather than the cheapest possible solution.


I wanted to see a Speed Twin R from the start! Agree on the single dial, don’t like it. If I’m honest though I have really started to go off Triumph in a rather frustrating way. I love the bikes in general, but the electronics annoy me, or more so the way they are implemented. I hate the way everything is linked together like wheelie control/traction control. And they are linked to rider modes, and it defaults back to a standard setting, and can’t go to an aggressive mode on the fly. Annoys me enough to not buy one anymore. No problem on a Bonnie but on the likes of the sporty triples it is pretty stupid. On a sporty bike you will inevitably find the front coming up and to have it electronically slam back onto the road is horrible. I would have bought a new Speed Triple if it wasn’t for this. Like I say, very frustrating.

Looks like they might be about to launch it.

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