Speed Twin 900 - What are my windshield options

Hi there, greetings from a cold and wet Denmark.

I have a nearly new Speed Twin 900 and although I think it needs a 6th gear, the engine works well, even 2 up (certainly more grunt than my previous 865SE).

I’d like to tour on it a bit, Norway/Sweden/Finland but find it rather windy cruising above 110km/h (70mph).

I am looking for a windshield but my ego finds the larger windshields like the Dart Marlin/Puig a big eyesore, are there someone here that have installed something smaller and does it have any effect at all ?

I am thinking something like the brushed aluminum from tec (not sure if Triumph makes one) or the smallest Dart (I am only 5.5" so do not need a massive windshield.)

Any makes/models and pictures of your beasts are welcomed

I hope to ride all year round here in Denmark when we do not have snow or ice as the districts salt the roads but it gets blooming cold, wet and windy.

Cannot wait for spring, get some new camping gear and get up to allsorts.
Happy New Year to one and all

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Hi and welcome!

The Street Cup 900 fly screen might fit but I feel like these are more cosmetic but may provide some minor wind protection.

There are lots of universal ones you could try at very little cost. Here’s one I have on my Fazer to cover up the ugly clocks and it was about £20 on Amazon.

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Hi and welcome.

I can only relate to my Speed Triple, which has the factory fitted fly screen. Although small, that provides me with enough protection (I’m 6’2") to do 80 mph for prolongued periods comfortably. Others have said it does not protect enough, but that’s personal I suppose.

It’s certainly not the same behind the massive screen on my 1200 Tiger GT Explorer! :rofl:

Cheers Geoff, something to consider

Cheers Vulpes, it would be nice to find something that would take the worst blast of my body

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Welcome to the forum.

That’s always the dilemma, small screens look best but provide very little benefit when it comes to protection and large screens may be effective but look terrible on naked motorcycles.

Tolerance to wind blast is such a personal thing and very much depends on your personal size and shape. What works for one person doesn’t work for another so it really is trial and error. I had a fly screen on my Speed Triple 1200 and frankly above 70mph it provided no noticeable benefit for me.

Naked bikes look so much better screen free and I just view the wind blast over 70mph as a licence saver as it encourages me to keep the speed down :slight_smile:

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Thanks Neal,
You are right and I never considered a screen until we moved back to Denmark from sunny australia but I put a small’ish screen on my new Vespa 300 and boy does it make a difference here when it’s cold and misserable.
We have speed limits of 80 mph here but with a missing 6th gear and the windblast, I usually stay between 65-70 mph.
I might just bite the bullet and get a small fancy one and toughen up, or get a larger one just when touring Europe/Scandinavia.

I agree completely with what Neal says. I have experimented with various sizes and shapes of screens, including adjustable ones, on different bikes in the past, and have always found them to cause noise and buffeting. I have concluded that, for me at least, they are not worth having, and that I prefer the clean airflow of a naked bike.

Good point Dave, thanks for chipping in, the noise and buffeting is horrendous just on the Vespa 300 at 70 with a small ish screen…

Like Dave I’ve tried flyscreens and got rid of them because of the noise and buffeting. I just stick to 60-65mph for all day travelling, with the odd hour at 70mph to cover distance a bit quicker if on a boring motorway. The only limitation I find on speed is how long my neck muscles can take the wind force on my head.

I have a 2018 Speedmaster and tried the Dart Classic and Marlin screens.

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Thank you very much, it seems like most people go with that option

Lovely looking bike! I have a small Powerbronze flyscreen on my Street Triple; it doesn’t stop buffeting, but does redirect the “impact area” away more from the base of my neck.


Thank you so much Mrs…
Does it increase helmet noise ?
Apart from looks, I am worried about increased helmet noise with smaller screens which I get loads on my Vespa 300.

I have a 2018 Speed Triple and find that the longer you’re in the saddle, the more your neck muscles adapt and grow. At the start of a season I know that I tire quicker than at the end of the season.
Just start slower and build your speed and time spent in the saddle.
The other option is to change your bike if you don’t want a big screen or fit a big screen for longer journeys and remove it when just riding locally.


Cheers Oldskool, thanks for chipping in.
I actually ride year round and have been for many years, all unfaired bikes (we used to live in sunny queensland).
My main reason for fitting a screen was to make it more comfy during our winters here in Denmark, we have it a bit colder than in the UK, at least the southern part. As well as long distance touring (but I might revalue that).
I’ve just got a new Vespa GTS 300 for the winter, thinking it’s easier to clean (we stupidly salt our roads) but if my wife gets her license next year, I’ll have to trade it in for what she wishes to ride on as bikes/cars are much more expensive here than in the UK, hence all the questions :wink:

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I fitted it three years ago, so it’s hard to remember, but I don’t think it increased helmet noise. If you get your head at the ideal angle for the air to go over the top of your lid it’s pretty good. I am 5ft4 for reference.

Fab’tastic info, thank you so much :heart:
I’d love to try one of those Motone jobbies, but if I don’t like it, it could turn out an expensive mistake.

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That’s the problem! I have Powerbronze screens on both of my bikes (Street Triple and Fireblade) and they’re not too expensive, really nice looking (in my opinion) and great quality. Not sure whether they have an option for your bike but might be worth a look.

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Fantastic, I will have a look etc, they do fit the 23 ST 900 so that could be an option

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It might be worth trawling eBay. The Striples that @MrsVisor and I both have came standard without the small Perspex screen on top of the nacelle. From memory the factory part was just over £100. One of my sons found an aftermarket one on eBay for £17 which fits great and finishes the nose of the machine off a treat.

If you are looking at a Powerbronze product they sponsor one of the four Triumph forums I visit and certainly used to give members a discount. When I find which one it was/is I will let you know.

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