Storm Babet

Anyone bearing the brunt of the storm today? Hopefully everyone is safe and well.

It’s been raining cats and dogs in this part of Yorkshire but we’re up in the hills so not seen any flooding.

It was worse here last night with some serious rainfall. Some elderly chap got washed away to his death at Far Forest earlier today which is less than 10 miles away

Pretty windy here in the south west, just easing down now at last, but the rain was nothing special, just average. Much worse up in the north east, though, I believe:


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:scream: Blimey, stay safe.

We’ve come in to town (slowly) to find out favoured local is shut because their roof is leaking. So second favourite local it is.

I had enough of it last night! I had to go to Birmingham Airport to pick a mate and his wife up and it was pissing down, black as a bag and standing water everywhere on the M42. I have a rough idea where he got washed away. It’s quite hilly and rural round there with steep slopes and clay based soil so when we get lots of rain small brooks turn into raging torrents very quickly because of the run off. It caught the environment agency out at Bewdley too today as they mis timed putting the barriers up on Severnside North so some places got flooded. Strangely when things go well you can’t keep the top nobs off the TV in their high viz jackets saying how good they are. After today’s fiasco guess what… they only issued a statement. Wankers

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Left West Cornwall about 7 this morning, beautiful stunning low mist across the fields, required photographing but a long drive ahead. Destination Nottingham, the weather got progressively worse, proper tipping it down, and REALLY slow progress at times, didn’t get to Notts until 5, rivers and fields in flood.
Did make a couple of stops on the way, the one in Bristol got really expensive at the Superbikeshop, new textiles ready for next season. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :+1:


Rachel’s brother lives in Nottingham. He arrived at work today but things got so bad he ended up being taken home, early, in one of the lorries because of the flooding on the roads.

Visiting my MIL, she has a bungalow in a cul-de-sac called “The Watermeadows” :grimacing:
It was one before they built on it (and BIL was site manager on the build - included some drainage works)

Nope, I’m in Florida where the sun is shining and the humidity is low! :sunglasses:

You’re welcome :wink:


Mrs Mouse awoke this morning to flood alert on her phone, I probably foolishly have emergency alerts turned off. We’re just in a red flood warning area, so won’t be going anywhere today in case I have to evacuate bike off the property. Now thinking about methods to block air bricks on the house, just in case…

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It’s not raining here so hopefully the worst has passed and the waters won’t rise any further.

I hope you’re keeping a good lookout, Geoff. We had visitors from Florida last week who told us that their neighbours recently had a 5ft alligator in their kitchen. Apparently it followed their cat in, wanting to eat it Are you sure you’re safe beside that swimming pool?


They’re overdoing the warnings as I expected. Been down to the river and flooding is higher than I’ve seen it before but I just checked the environment agency maps again (which we did before buying house) and only the end of the garden is in flood zone 2. The house isn’t.

Looking online at the upstream water level gauge I see it stopped rising at midnight and we don’t have any rain forecast for 48 hours, though I know run-off from the land can continue for days. I’m not going to get concerned about it any more. Though the flooding and puddles may impact riding tomorrow which I’d hoped to do in the forecast sunny weather.

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Rained here all day yesterday, but the wind was not very strong. Wife and I set off to pick up our son from Market Drayton to go over to Stoke. Decided to go down the A49 to avoid flooding on the B roads through the countryside. Bloody hell hit a traffic jam just south of Beeston. Thought it must be road works, but as we got closer realised that the road for about 20 or 30 metres was flooded across the whole road. Congestion was caused by vehicles taking it in turn to come through in the middle of the road. Water was a couple of feet deep.

We hit many more less difficult floods during our journey, not much fun at all.

We went over to Stoke to watch our one of our grandson in Oliver at the Regent theatre. It was still raining when we came out at 23:15hs which made our trip home up the M6 challenging. Never seen some many HGV’s on the road in awful conditions.

The M42 was full of them in very poor conditions on Thursday night. No matter what they seemed to have the cruise control set to 56mph. I was using lane 3 to overtake them leaving lane 2 clear due to the spray when the overhead gantries showed standing wster ahead. Having seen what happens when you hit it on a motorway at 70 I slowed to 50 and returned to lane 1 only for the HGV to catch me up and carry on as if the road conditions hadn’t changed. As he (or she) passed me I slowed down to 40 so the HGV got past me quickly as I hate being along side them.

Not been too bad here in Stokesley - it pretty much rained all of Thursday and Friday but nothing really heavy.

We had quite high winds, had to secure the side fence which had started to lean over alarmingly!
Worst hit were the coastal towns, no surprises
there, with Scarborough seemingly suffering the most. Probably not a good idea to park your bike outside the Oasis Cafe!

Today has mostly been sunny after 11.30 so hopefully that’s it done now.

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BBC News - Dog walker films winds lifting forest floor during Storm Babet in Scotland