Suzuki 250/4 restoration

It is the twin

You do know the four cylinder had a redline of over 16,000 where the twin is no where near. Surely the twin cdi unit won’t let it do that unless you know something secretly different?

Well I’m starting with a frame repair as there’s damage at the rear as it’s gone diamond shape!!

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Uploading: IMG_1142.jpeg…

Try again. :slight_smile: You have to wait for the pic to upload before posting.

It never completes!! There’s an acceptable time before one loses the will to live!

If it’s not completing that could be a connection problem. How long did you leave trying? Try again using wifi rather than mobile data, if you weren’t already.

Ive done both. It’s only this forum as it works well on TTF and 9T, r12r, Katana, etc.
it loads up to 99% then creeps over to 100 eventually but at 100 it still isn’t finished

Try uploading a 20mb pic to both and let me know what works then. :wink:
You’d spend lot more time faffing with pics to get them to upload when they’re too big than you will letting your mobile do all the work, and you’d probably end up with a worse quality image. But it takes longer if there’s more pre-processing to do, yes. Images are getting bigger as resolutions increase. Old forum software will struggle as time goes on.

Email me the pic you can’t upload and I’ll do some testing.

I bet you’ve got cheap broadband Eric with a crap upload speed :rofl:

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Kats are one of my all time favourite looking bikes… if won big on the lottery, I’d have the big brother in the garage straight away.
That is :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears:


Processing: IMG_1250.jpeg…

This was the original pic it wouldn’t load

So I’ve a twisted frame to massage back!!

More understanding picture to show a small twist!!

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I’ve got so many similar progress pics in frame straightening I just couldn’t choose so you’ve guessed it…

The only way to repair this turd of a frame was to cut a sub section off the back and straighten it on my jig. The thing is I’ve never seen such a badly made frame in my life as no two welds are the same and all the factory joints haven’t even started symmetrical!

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Coming together….


Next challenge, bloody drive shaft splines worn now, 50% lost.

Probably just weld a new front sprocket on as substitute as it’s an engine rebuild for this coming year.


I have no experience of welding, but I assume there’s enough thermal mass in the shaft that it isn’t going to get excessively hot? I’m thinking of seals on the driveshaft bearings melting.

Three short welds will do it. Won’t get any hotter at the bearing side than a cup of tea. A lot of the times I can weld with items in my hand, yeah crazy it sounds.

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