My affair with this perky, if slightly temperamental, beauty is over… I’ve sold my Speed 400.
Those with a good one, or who are perhaps more tolerant than me, may wonder why I would do such a terrible thing, but some annoying glitches and the on/off single-cylinder performance characteristics were enough for me to realise this was not going to be a long term relationship!
I don’t know what my next date will be but, for now, ride safe, see you around.
Yep, next bike needs to be at least two cylinders.
I didn’t get on too well with my son-in-law’s single-cylinder KTM 690 Duke, and the Speed 400 had that same tendency to be jerky if I was in the wrong gear, so I need something smoother and more tolerant of my lazy gear-changing!
You might not think a decent, smallish, light, twin-cylinder bike would be hard to find, but there are surprisingly few out there!
Hang around Alex (we like famous bike mag contributors).
I reckon there’s a large portion of the membership that have at least one non-Triumph in their garage.
(And a few total non-Triumph infidels we tolerate )
I did find the 400 glitchy too when city riding as I test rode one last year. A friend of mine has just bought similar thing, a BMW310r and by all accounts it has an awful lot of merits going for it.
Think you should keep in this happy cosy family regardless of what bike you prefer to own, I’ve not had a triumph now for quite a while but i know when a forum is ‘fitting’ and I’m here to stay.
Closest I’ve come to owning a Triumph is a few test rides and having the Tee shirt, but I’m here anyway so this place isn’t exclusively for Trumpet owners