Today was something of a curate's egg

We decided to avoid the hot weather, so rather than stay over in some baking hot Spanish city, we left the flat at 6.00 to drive straight to Santander. Fantastic drive up the mountain passes to Morella, where an enormous set of viaducts is being built to cut out all the squiggles. Shame, but if you drive a lorry or similar, it will be a godsend. The road passed under it, round it, alongside it. Fantastic piece of work. All going smoothly, then PING says the car tyre pressure monitor. Flat at the front. Of course, no spare wheel, and two cans of Tyreseal later it was still as flat as a witch’s tit. And to even get at it we had to empty the car on the hard shoulder, including the chest of drawers we are bringing back. Got it up to about 20psi and had to reflate every 3 or 4 miles, but eventually the sealant seems to have got hold a bit and it now loses about 1psi per mile. Point is, we made the ferry :+1: so roll off tomorrow and phone RAC if need be. As a little pick me up after such stress l’ve had an apricot tartelette, and we have a window seat from which to watch the ship set off. So a happy ending, but three hours ago l was ready to step in front of a lorry! :slightly_smiling_face:


Sounds like a nightmare. But why no spare wheel? Is it a new car thing?

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It is a new car thing, but l’m going to see if l can find a suitable spare, because that was a shit do when it didn’t need to be. Last time my Passat gave a parking brake fault, pinged every two seconds from Portsmouth to Nottingham :scream:

Yes, my last Evoque only had the puncture jollop ( which has a shelf life and needs replacing every few years). Not all punctures can be sealed that way, and then the tyre fitter will probably tell you he can’t plug it 'cos of all that shite you pumped in there and will cost you a new tyre. Fortunately never had to use it and my current one now has a proper spare.

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