I like a bit of industrial history, it’s amazing that this place was being mined before steam, diesel or electricity… so this was my walk today. Couldn’t help thinking I’d like to have a go on a trials bike
It’s left its mark, but I like it!
I like a bit of industrial history, it’s amazing that this place was being mined before steam, diesel or electricity… so this was my walk today. Couldn’t help thinking I’d like to have a go on a trials bike
It’s left its mark, but I like it!
I remember walking down from The Old Man seeing some interesting structures. Hadn’t realised there had been mining there.
If you zoom in on the last photo… you can see one of the water wheels that would have been dotted around. They were used to pump water from the mines. You can see the obvious spoil heaps in the valley bottom (and there is still slate quarrying going on on the side of the Old Man which keeps those roads “fresh”), but as you explore the fells themselves, you keep finding traces of the work nosing out of the reclaiming nature all over the fellsides! Slipways, mine entrances, old slate huts, big slots in the ground for other drive wheels and water courses… it must have been such tough work, just walking around them is exercise, never mind that being your morning commute before a full day of physical labour!
The big White House on the first photo is the old managers cottage, so he lived on site (my auntie was born and brought up there… it wasn’t a mangers cottage then, but it also hadn’t been converted into the YHA that it is now).
That is just a beautiful place to walk. Thanks for sharing.