Ulverston loop

This isn’t worth a ride report… but I knocked off ‘bout 100 miles from Ulverston to Crosby Ravensworth, to Kirkby Lonsdale, Back to Ulverston… all on fairly small roads, except the A590. It was grey, misty, foggy, missely crap weather… some pretty bridges and villages dotted about, but a lot of the ride was a few car length visibility. I’ll repeat it again for you in summer!


I agree, I have done a few very similar :wink: Not enough to make it’s own report so put it into Today I have Mostly Been and then had it moved like yours, only for it to die a death and be a one or two comment post :headstone:
Maybe there should be a Today I Have Mostly Been in the Riding section so the threads can evolve properly :man_shrugging:

I like to have photos which are interesting on the rides I do (hence not many ride reports this year, just shite weather) but Crosby Ravensworth is cute and it was the fairest bit of the ride… still a shite photo though! Sorry


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