Would you report it?

On Sunday during a ride to Cotswold Airport I had a car pull out in front of me and I had to make an emergency stop to avoid the car.
After a lot of Anglo Saxon language I passed the car and proceeded to my destination for my coffee.
It wound me up so much I decided to report the car driver and as I have a camera fitted to the front of my bike I had all the evidence I required. Most police areas have on their websites a way of reporting bad driving or illegal events which I have now made use of. The Police (Gloucestershire Constabulary) have responded by asking for me to upload my video for then to consider.
Is this a good move or am I opening up myself for others to report me it I transgress.
What do the intelligent collective think?

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I wouldn’t have bothered personally. I just view it as an occupational hazard as a rider.

I must admit it does worry me sometimes that someone with a dash cam may send my picture to the Police as I overtake them! Some people really don’t like being overtaken.

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Last year i pulled up at a red light (road works), a bmw pulled up behind me, waited about five seconds then set off and roared through the red light. Just because it was a bmw I submitted the video to gmp and got an email back saying they couldn’t proceed unless I agreed to attend court as a witness if it went to court. I agreed to be a witness. Gmp said they would let me know what happened. I never heard anything again. :rage:

Had a similar event earlier this year, another BMW (well there is a coincidence) overtook me while I was stationary at a red light at roadworks. It was reported to Avon and Somerset police who sent me an email two weeks later to advise me that after reviewing the video clip they where preparing to prosecute or send a strongly worded letter.
I also signed to say I would appear as a witness but have never been called.

Copy of email received:

Thank you for taking the time to upload your Dashcam footage which has now been processed.

As a result of this report, I can confirm a positive outcome in that the drivers will receive either a warning letter, a fixed penalty or a prosecution.

Thank you for helping to keep our roads safe.

Please note you will not receive any further updates.



I tend to let these things go, I believe in karma. None of us are perfect and I’d hate some do-gooder to report me for an accidental wheelie or some such. Does wind me up though the standard of driving you see out there.


I must admit bad driving does wind me up and I have often considered using my dash cam footage to report it. However every time I have experienced it I have not followed through, as by the time I get home my anger has subsided.
People in glass houses comes to mind, as we are all capable of motoring indiscretions.

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I didn’t think the police could act this fast. Just had an email from Gloucestershire Police that a prosecution letter has been sent to the driver.


Summed up my feelings on the matter exactly.
Being a bus driver, I see overtakes that leave me breathless and my colleagues tell me similar stories .
We have 8 cameras on the bus, I dont know anyone who has ever reported a driver, although we have all spoken about it.


I can relate to you being wound up and reporting it but, like some others here, I tend to expect that everyone is out to get me anyway. My camera is there to capture actual accidents that I hope will never happen or involve me! :crossed_fingers:


I see what you’re saying Neal, but there’s a big difference between overtaking a bit quickly and actually pulling out in front of moving traffic. Personally I would send it in, if it means it requires a letter or visit from the plod, it might make them be more careful in the future.


What if its, a charge of careless driving, a ban, then lossing your job, your income , your marrage , your house, in the proccess.Who can say.
Just a thought.

All actions have consequences. His action could have caused me to rear end him. All motorcyclists are vulnerable to people like the driver of the car that could have killed me.


I can understand the appeal of capturing and reporting careless or dangerous driving but I’m more concerned about willingly becomng a Big Brother nation.

Or Mad Max…


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Judging by the accident I saw this morning I’d say we’re already there.

There is a flurry of temporary road works in our local vicinity… the complete cockwombles that are buzzing about… pushing every mm of opportunity (legal or not) are getting so feckin rude, my normal placid nature is eroding into post-apocalyptic ideologies… sharpening my boomerang as we speak!


Always concerns me that camera video can be viewed out of context.
Crossed my mind the other day, I overtook a car on a fast open up hill left hander, video would probably make it look crazy. I actually had full clear sight for way more than needed prior to the pass, but a restricted camera view wouldn’t show that.
I can see prosecutions brought that should be defended.
A shame there isn’t a proper police presence on the roads like in the old days.


There is they are called camera vans do civilians in them count?