Yamaha Radian

You’ll know mate, believe you me…


I like it actually @DanielB in the colour scheme you have posted. When I Googled it I wasn’t taken by it at all in some colours; on some bikes to me the paint scheme really makes or breaks the overall look.


True …don’t get me wrong …there are some tawdry colour schemes out there! Of course…I’m only keen on the cool looking ones!

Fat middle aged man on tawdry bike… awful

But on a cool looking bike …:innocent:

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I always FEEL cool on my bikes, which must mean I look cool…in my head :+1:.

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It’s like the egg n chips of an evening meal. But that’s not for every four cylinder bike as quite a few stand out. V twins on the other hand can be like a hot sizzling vindaloo curry that makes you pay attention and burns ur arse after the first session has past!!

Goodness…I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a shit analogy :face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl::rofl::rofl:

:+1: agreed entirely.


There’s a dialled in character to all engines… to suit a purpose…

XJ600 Diversion - boringest bike I’ve ever owned
RF900r - thrilling, excitement on 2 wheels
CB400/4 - great fun, grin maker

All 4 pot, and I’d own the last two again if circumstance allowed… I’d own the first if it was the only way I could keep on riding…

Get a test on one (if you can) it’ll go some way to scratching the itch.


Thanks @DCS222

…anyone out there got a Radian to have a ride on!? :innocent:

There’s no such thing as a bad bike in my opinion, it’s just that some are better than others. My mind goes back to the C50 me and my mates used to ride around the country lanes in our early teens, we thought that was great.


Agreed Andy…my battered NTV650 (first big bike 8 yrs ago) was the best bike I’ve ever had.

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My Tiger 1050 and I have had some counselling and decided to give things another go.

So, enough of the Radian fad.

Thanks for the opinions though, greatly appreciated as ever.