Best Footwear

Hey guys

I’m new in here. Recently bought myself a lovely Street Triple 765R which is a beauty. Honestly the smoothest bike I’ve ridden. I’m not into all the racing gear though and I have a pair of Akito touring boots which I love but I’m struggling to feel my gears with them.

Maybe it’s just an adjustment I need to go through.

So my question is - what footwear do any of you use. Should I change to a more traditional pair of racing boots?

Any ideas or advice?



Welcome to the forum! I bought these about a year-and-a-half ago and have been really pleased with them. They’re all-day comfortable and were fine when I took a Street Triple 765 for a test ride.

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Shoes - what lady doesn’t love shoes? :rofl:.

I have a Striple too and my favourite boots to ride in are not your cup of tea - Sidi Vertigo

I also have some nice vented casual boots that do the trick - Dainese.

And lastly…Merlin Myrton boots I got in the sale the other week to replace my faithful TCXs that bit the dust.

All of them I have good feel for the bike through, but by far the Sidis feel the best.

Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:.

@HelmutVisor is too lazy to post himself (why wear out your fingers typing when there’s admin staff to do it :laughing:. Not that one of us has been at work all day or anything… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) but he informs me that his Alpinestars Chrome Ride Shoes are also the bee’s knees.

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I had some Sidis similar to those but a bit older. Wore then until they wore out. They weren’t comfortable enough to walk around in all day but gave a great sense of protection on the bike. The only thing I didn’t like was the infamous squeak. :slight_smile:


My first pair wore out but I liked them enough for another pair of Sidis. The squeak gets cured with the silicone oil that @Helmut uses for the Thunderbird belt drive though until there’s been loads of rain and it needs re application!!

If I do want to walk round all day, these are not the boot to do it in but they’re comfy for the odd wander.

I replaced them with touring boots that are waterproof but otherwise black and uninspiring. Can’t even remember the name, they’re so dull. :grin:

Now I want another pair of Sidis…

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I have a few pairs of these and buy them whenever they are on sale Skechers Sergeants Boots

Use them for everything, in the workshop, on the bikes, in the dentist and going for a walk. They are waterproof and wear well.
These aren’t mine, I take the silly metal things off of the laces, mine are a bit more scruffy, are black from oil and grindings and also have the tell tale gear change lever marks on both boots (left and right hand gear changes).
Cheap as chips an’ well’ard :neutral_face:

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I’ve got these - great for both riding and walking about.

Richa Andorra waterproof shoes.

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…walking about… :laughing:

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You do get off yer bike at some point… :joy:

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Daytona, ive got 7 pairs. Also have some others,nice pair of Altbergs,a bit heavy and clumbersom though.