Very nice route today.
Surely you must be bored of all that stuff by now
What a fantastic trip you are both having. Loving seeing the pictures Thanks for posting
We’re loving every minute of it! So glad you enjoy our reports!
The pictures are stunning
Cheers Neal - tbh it’s pretty hard taking a bad picture out here.
@Dawsy I’m just hoping I’m not boring everyone to death with posting pictures…
Definitely not!
Not a chance mate! But you may be causing a few green faces
HA HA HA!! Bored? Not a chance - keep 'em coming. If you’re living the dream - we’re in it, too
Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate today - so no final ride. We resorted to a bit of shopping (lovely Italian wines ), and loaded up the the bikes. Off early tomorrow morning.
End of an epic adventure - always a sad day!
The reality of life awaits you at home
Many thanks for those uplifting words, Neal!
(6 weeks before I’m off to the Balkans…
I’m only jealous of your fantastic trip
It was a tongue in cheek remark mate - we had a brilliant time, and have already booked the same accomodation for next year!
I’m looking forward to your daily updates from the Balkans now! Is that a solo trip or are you both going?
Great trip write up and pictures Wim. Have a safe trip home
The idea is I’m going with a mate - hopefully he’ll manage to get away (he does “hush-hush” things for the FIIS). If not it’ll be a solo trip.
Last evening splurge - couldn’t resist
Steak tartare, vitello tonnato…
Nicely accompanied by a Muscat.
Concluded with a home made Tiramisu…
We had a grand trip!
Was this about the bikes or the Cordon Bleu?