Dolomites 2024

I’m hoping with you - I’m planning a trip to Italy in September! :smiley:

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When I went up the Sella I saw 30C in one of the villages… :sun_with_face:

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Absolutely stunning! :heart_eyes:


The scenery’s absolutely beautiful!!

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Another thing Jefta loves about her Trident - it does 62,5 Mpg! :hushed: (whereas my Speedy does 32… :see_no_evil:).

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What a stunning days riding. You are blessed with the weather and brilliant biking roads. I am vey jealous :smiley::+1:

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You’d love it here Andy!

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When are you thinking of going? I should be in the alps around Sept 5 to 12.

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I think your speedy does more than that, it’s just you that only gets 32 mpg :wink:

On my ‘speedy-master’ I got 64 mpg for the whole 1400 mile trip. Which is a good job with it’s tiny 12 litre tank.


We’re planning for the last weekend of september - other people involved… wives will be flying to Genoa, husbands ride there… pity, would’ve been nice to meet up somewhere.

You could be right there… :see_no_evil:

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That’s far more economical than I would have thought; really good.

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Just worked mine out for my Street Triple and last tank was 37.6 mpg; used to get about 45 mpg commuting. I think the Blade’s about 36 mpg ridden in a fun way but will go forever and just sip if I need to do a long, steady motorway drag.

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He is spot on there Wim ha ha :grinning:

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Not many pics today, too busy having fun.

First stop:

Next on to the passo Rolle (6,526 ft), where there was a photographer lurking in the verge…

Lovely route today, back “home” we lit the outdoor woodburning stove and had a lovely fillet of pork.

Dog was happy too!


Judging by the lean angles I reckon Jefta is attacking that corner a bit more than you. :slightly_smiling_face:
You getting in her way already? :joy:


Jefta now wants to elope with you, thanks Colin! :rofl: :joy:


TMF dating service. Hmmm… :laughing:


I reckon the dog is enjoying the trip :grinning:
Another great day mate.

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As we missed out on the Passo Campolongo yesterday due to a road closure we decided to try again using a different route. First the Passo Pordoi again…

Next via the Passo Campolongo to the Val Gardena.

That took us to the Passo Sella again…

On the way down to “our” valley we had some lunch…

And back home where we were greeted by…

A short impression of riding up the Val Gardena.