This thread is to allow you your petty gripes! Not the life changing social/political issues, but those niggles which show the chinks in your otherwise superior armour! Especially if it’s actually amusing
No need to explain yourself…
Thornton’s toffee is the most delicious filling remover ever!
The word “You’s” instead of “You”… as in the phrase “Are you’s going for a Bacardi Breezer in town after work?”
That darn Fairy liquid baby " dont need to rince your plates - just put them in the dishwasher " Then call an engineer to strip appliance and pull all the rotten food out. Thanks Fairy twit.
This is very much a Scottish thing, as you probably know. You can’t avoid it up there.
Only amongst the lower classes old chap.,
Sorry, Dave. You’re quite right, of course. Bloody oiks.
Not a fan of Scouse dialect then, DCS?
The old joke - the Scouse version of Silence of the Lambs? SHURRUP EWES (yous)!!
Cheap bog roll in expensive hotels.
Nuff said
Funny you should say that…
Not specifically scouse… it’s “you’sed” in many dialects, including a very local to me one… which otherwise sounds fine!
Yoowes just don’t understand!!!
Bog roll quote… totally true!!
I have many, many but a few of my selected annoyances…although the one my ex - boss used all the time that used to really wind me up escapes me right now at this time in the morning…
Escape Goat (scape goat)
Pacifically (specifically)
In action (inaction)
Chester draws (chest of drawers)
In the context of a “for sale” advert - “Here we have my…”
An office habitual throat - clearer, cougher, loud chewer, desk tapper…tolerance is not my forte and noises in particular can really get to me, especially when tired.
Baseball caps on backwards. Particularly if the wearer is older than 15.
Cyclists shouting “ clear “ to their lemming mates every time they come to the junction on our road. Particularly at 07.30 this morning. I’ve a good mind to sit there and shout “ clear” even if it’s not. That should stop them…
Baseball caps on forwards as well.
Baseball caps full stop and hats worn indoors Grrrrr
I particularly like ‘Escape goat’. It goes beyond bad English and bounds gaily in to surreal parody.
‘Pacifically’ is a shooting offence, though.
Can I get? Instead could I please have?
Incorrect use of there, their, they’re. It really not difficult.
Rain, I really hate rain.
That’s it for now but no doubt I’ll think of many more as the day progresses.