Nasty spill

So there I was yesterday, happily riding minding my own business when some blind moron pulled out 10 yards in front of me. Nothing to be done.

Bike probably a write-off, me 5 fractured ribs, 2 with multiple fractures. Ouch…

So I’m now in the ICU, not because I’m in critical condition, but on account of having a tube in my spine through which they feed me very powerful drugs :smiley: I need to be monitored. They put a tube somewhere else too, which I did not like :see_no_evil::laughing:.

Hopefully I’ll be out of here to convalesce at home in about 5 or 6 days.


I don’t know which is more painful. The broken ribs, or having your bike written off just after spending several hundred euros on a service!

Get well soon Wim :+1:

“White Van Man” the same no matter which country you ride in. :roll_eyes:
Wishing you well. :+1:

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Cheers Neal. I am indeed still deciding which is more painful! :rofl:

Thanks Colin.

How is traffic overall/generally in Netherlands? Will all follow the rules like uptight Lutheran Scandinavians :slightly_smiling_face:? You did not live in Amsterdam? I was shocked how people cycled in the center of Amsterdam (ending very narrow spaces between the huge trucks etc. … just like that). Copenhagen is another European capital where cycling is very popular, but Danes have good safe roads for bicycles.

Here I’m even more worry about farmers/tractor drivers, combine harvesters etc. (with my bike) than maybe white vans. The first ones can really turn directly in front of you after the next corner (coming from some fields), and they will move very slowly.

Ouch, I bet that hurt Wim. Hopefully with the police involved things will run smoothly about the bike and your insurance claim against the driver, but I guess that’s not that important right now. Looks like it was a glancing blow rather than head on so that’s a bit of a positive I guess. Keep taking the tablets and here’s to a speedy recovery

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That’s tough - obviously there are idiots everywhere!
Speedy recovery :sunglasses:

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Wow, here’s to a speedy recovery mate, it needs to be if you want that tube out :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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You have been on my mind all day. GET OFF! And get well!

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I am very late to this one as I haven’t caught up for a week or so. I am so very sorry that happened to you; rest up and recover swiftly :crossed_fingers:.

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I’m off home today, fed up with hospital. I’m not ill, only in pain, so I’ll be given a huge stack of pills to take home and recover. The worst thing is actually getting out of bed - the “resettling” of the ribs and the sound and discomfort that comes with that is quite, err, “unsettling”…


Be patient and hope you’ll be soon on your feet/wheels.
Delivery vans are a disaster on roads. Hope the idiot will have some impact about his behavior.

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Going home will be a positive step towards recovery. Take it easy.


Good luck with the transfer from hospital to home Wim. :grinning:


All went well, Steve. Now sat next to my wee dog, extremely happy to be home!


A cuddle with the dog will lift your spirits :slightly_smiling_face:
Here’s to a quick recovery :+1:


Bit late to reply, as usual light damage to the van and I’m taking it as major on the bike? Take it Ireland visit has vanished now! Hope you still get most of the summer back to ride (on some sort of bike)

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Yep, major damage on the bike (yet to be assessed). I’m hoping to be back on in about two months’ time, so there should be most of the summer left. Hopefully on a new Tiger (insurance should cover that), but if that does not materialise in time there’s always the Speed Triple in my garage…

And yes, Ireland’s a no go for me this time I’m afraid… :rage:


Good to see it hasn’t deterred you and you’re keen to be back on a bike :+1: