Universal Simple Pleasures

Just out of interest, Glenn, which part of the solar system are you from? :wink:


Well we are all different Glenn. I love all three :grinning:


My 2 biggest food hates,
Marmite and scrambled egg. I like eggs cooked any other way except that. Marmite is just gross.

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It’s LOVE from me!!

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I prefer a carefully produced omelette (with a subtle amount of cheese) to scrambled eggs on hot buttered toast, but only just!
Marmite on hot buttered toast also works.
But don’t put them together, thanks

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Omelette on toast…?

Hot, buttered, unmarmiteted!

Trail running through the beautiful countryside before work on gorgeous mornings like this morning. In fact at any time and in any weather - it’s lovely to be alone and so immersed in your surroundings. Night by the light of a head torch can be just as magical. Simple because you just need to stick your shoes on and go, I’ll take living rurally over town any day.


All this talk of hot buttered toast. Well, it’s just not like it used to be. When I was a nipper we used to carve a thick slice of real bread, stick it on the end of a toasting fork and toast it proper on the bright glowing coals of a real fire. Then apply lashings of Lurpak butter. My favourite on that was a spoonful of Tate & Lyles Golden Syrup. That was proper toast.


You were lucky. We used to carve a piece of rotten bark off t’tree from next door’s disease ridden elm before he shot our knees off, then the dog chewed it until it were soft before fatha spat chewing tobacco on it instead of butter.

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Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be eh Andy? I can remember the smog from those very fires being so bad I used to ride up our road and couldn’t see the kerb on either side…


Chewin’ bacca… bloody luxury! What we would have given for some rotten elm bark wi bacca spit on it!

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Totally agree with the run thoughts Mrs V. We’ve just got back from a 6 mile walk through deserted olive groves in Crete. Lots of Elevation changes and puffing. But wow do we feel good now. Didn’t see a single person but loads of wildlife


Oh my all you runners and walkers are making me tired. Think I had best sit in the sun with a cuppa :grinning:


Kerbs?! You were lucky…

These days I think of it as keeping me fit for riding as long as possible!

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That looks lovely!!!

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Listening to my beloved give her phone a bollocking because it can’t read her mind…

(Edit … Her phone probably thinks the same about me!!! :grin:)

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When your eating a fry up, and at the end your mug of tea is just the right temperature and ammount for a very satisfying gulp.


Had a ride up the hill to the Santuario de la Misericordia. Fancy way of saying chapel, about 500 feet above sea level so nice breeze, and a universal pleasure in front of me! :sunglasses: