What You Been Doing With Your Triumph Today

Reading about @DanielB 's starting problems reminded me of the intermittent non-starting issue I have on my Speed Triple. I’m fairly certain the clutch switch is the culprit, so I took that off and had a little inspection. The plunger that is in the assembly seemed to move freely, but looked pretty dirty/greasy. So I cleaned it, applied ample contact spray and reassembled. Started straight away. If the issue recurs I will have to take it to bits and check for corrosion of the innards, but I don’t think I’ll have to.

I had the same with mine. Cleaned all the switches and the starter motor as well. Still the same, so changed the battery and all is well. I have also noticed that when I start the bike, I have to let the clocks do their thing before I hit the starter. If I don’t it can be a bit intermittent, but if I let the start sequence complete it starts first time every time.

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At last! Mild weather, mostly sunny and dry roads. Time to get in a few hours riding :smiley:


I inspected my Tiger, and found the remnants of a dead bird tucked in next to the right hand radiator. That’ll mean taking the right hand side fairings off in order to be able to get that out…


I didn’t realise Tigers ate birds…

Finished cleaning the rear end of the Speed Triple, put it all back together followed by the annual oil and filter change…


Today I had a nice few hours out on the Street Triple, just local roads I like, but they were very quiet today and anything slowing me down got overtaken in short order :stuck_out_tongue:. I only did about 80 miles, but it was lovely to be out. I stopped at one of my regular haunts for a nice hot coffee and some food :slightly_smiling_face:.


Where is this please Mrs. V?

Lovely looking bike. The background, not so much…


Bringsty common?

Bringsty Vintage Cafe, Bringsty Common, Bringsty, Worcester WR6 5UJ


It’s always very welcoming and the food and coffee are good.

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Have we put that one on our Map of Places?

Think so, I’ll check.

The car park is certainly not picturesque although it’s in a beautiful area. At least I was near to the defibrillator in case I overdid the food though :rofl:.

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Today’s mission: dead bird removal from the Tiger. At some point during my Balkans trip a little bird had flown into the right hand side air intake, and got wedged in next to the radiator. I noticed this last week when inspecting the bike for a big clean. So that had to come out. Not being able to reach it with all the bits on, removal of the right hand fairings was in order. The tank part came off without problems.

When I was taking off the front part of the fairing it became clear the top crash bar had to come off as well…

Next the bottom radiator mount had to come off too…

A little wiggle and the poor kamikaze bird fell out…

Now for reassembly… (no, NOT the bird… :see_no_evil:)…


On reassembly I managed to drop the connector rod for the top crash bars down the opposite tube :see_no_evil:. A magnet would not work, so I resorted to sticking a piece of wood with superglue in. Wait for an hour, and hey presto, pulled right out :joy:.

Anyway, all back together now :smiley:.


Yes, modern bikes are wonderful, but they do have a downside with all their complexity of construction. If a bird had hit the front of, say, a 1968 Bonneville, it would either have bounced straight off or taken 30 seconds to remove.


You’re not wrong, Dave. It took me the best part of 2 hours to get that lot off and back on again.

I have been out and about just for 40 miles or so on the Street Triple today - just a little route I like, calling in to see a friend on the way :+1: