What You Been Doing With Your Triumph Today

Wim’s new hat


Today meeting in town. Just back from a bad flu.
Not in top shape but found a good thing to kick my own ass and ride the bike.


Hope the bike helped you feel a little better.

Hope you’re better soon, Hubert. Great idea to get out on the bike to get the cobwebs out!

I had 2.5hs out on the tiger today, it was great to get out even if it was only 7c. I called in to Bill Smiths new show room in Chester for a walk about. Loads of room and bikes to see.


I took the mrs. Striple out for a couple of hours. Nice to get the cobwebs out!


Looks like a Lockeed F104

Yep, F104 “Starfighter”. It sits next to the former American airbase “Soesterberg”.

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17 posts were split to a new topic: Onboard cameras

Lovely sunny day so got out for four hours riding which had the feeling of spring.

Except for the single digit temperatures and lack of of leaves on trees and hedges. So not like spring at all I guess. :wink: But it had the spirit of spring.


Moved all the camera stuff to a topic all of its very own.

Just realised, yesterday was Imbolc the Gaelic traditional festival to mark the beginning of spring :smiley:


That makes me feel happy!!

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I suspect the ancient Gaels were indulging in wishful thinking.

Hi @Octoberon had a look at the new thread, but could not reply or respond; am I doing something daft?

Sorry, @wessa. My fault. I put it in the main category by mistake and that’s just an umbrella for the others. It’ll all change when I get the new structure in place so every category will be open.

Sorted now.

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Cheers mate :slightly_smiling_face:

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I replaced the patheticly feeble OEM horn on the Tiger with a Denali Soundbomb Mini. Well, replaced… :see_no_evil:. I couldn’t be arsed to take half the front to bits to remove the original item, so just left that in situ and took the terminals off it. The Denali wasn’t going to fit in that space anyway. I made a bracket which I fitted to the top crash bars, connected the terminals and that was it. If you know it’s there you can see it from the side, but it’s pretty well tucked away. Nice and loud, happy!


“Beware the moon…and stay off the moors!”

I have a day off work today so Helmut and I took my Fireblade fairings to the person who is going to do the custom painting. I am very excited that it’s underway!!